Don’t blame yourself #chronicillness #chronicpain #disabilityawareness #mentalhealth #spooniesupport

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As a teen right now, I can't be more grateful about seeing/having resources and people who openly share their story. As someone who always feels alone with my peers it is so nice to see people connecting with each other. Hope you guys have an amazing or at least a semi ok week!


I just got my POTS diagnosis after having symptoms for 10 years. My doctor said no to a port even though i get infusions monthly, and they are killing my veins. Im getting started on the process of getting a puppy to train for service work. Chronic pain sucks. I also have paralysis migraines, which my doctors dont know how to treat. It makes me feel like such a burden to my family. I just want to be normal. I've lost so many friends because I complained too much and couldn't hang out with them. It sucks that no one takes time to understand chronic illnesses. Sometimes i just want to give up. But i keep fighting. I was given a life for a reason. Even if it comes with more challenges. I will keep fighting to live life and be happy. ❤


Wasn't expecting to cry, I was 11 when the pain got so bad I started complaining to my parents... Didn't get a diagnosis till I was 17 after failing exams and people being mad at me for struggling 😢 20years later it's beyond wonderful to see others comforting each other and openly talking about chronic conditions, I wish I could have grown up with more like you around and not the examples I had, who hated themselves and taught me to hate and hide myself too 😔
Being told by many over and over that you're too young to possibly have that or that they hope you get better soon, not understanding how insensitive that is, treating you like you have the flu and can get over it but not knowing if you ever will or how bad it will get as you get older and the constant fear is something we all have to come to terms with 😢
Take care hun, sending gentle hugs and wishing you some respite however small, love from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿❤


theres so much i wish i could tell my younger self . i only just now got a doctor who is treating my health issues like they matter and it made me realize that somewhere along the way i gave up on ever getting better or figuring out what was wrong .


I’ve never been ill, but I’m so sorry you’re facing that.


Yeah id been through alot growing up thought it couldnt get any worse but then after graduating at 18 i went through chronic illness 3 years with symptoms but no diagnosis then get diagnosed after a random lung collapse in 2021 with a chronic illness most doctors still dont know or believe exist. Got diagnosed with functional neurological disorder also know as PNES or non epileptic seizures which mine are caused by complex PTSD/childhood trauma an abuse. You help alot girl, love to all my chronic illness/seizure warriors out there💜✊🏾


when i first got diagnosed with JIA they told me id probably be better in a year. i held onto that so much, just one year and id be back to normal.
its been 5 yrs
plus i have hEDS now. i wish id known instead of thinking id get better when i wouldnt

sending love and spoons to anyone who needs it 🥄❤️🥄❤️


I can’t explain how we all have the same experience and yet such different experiences when it comes to being ill as a kid.


Chronically ill since I was two months old. I’m 33. I was told today, by a friend, that It will only get better. I told them that is not true. I wish I could tell my younger self, you will never get better, but you will learn to love what you can in your life. That there will be better days or months, but it is ok when you get worse And life doesn’t keep going up and up like you are told it will.
I hope you have a good day very soon. ❤️ or a good moment. Days are long.


You are definitely not alone, Sis. I have been chronically ill since I was born and have had many many surgeries, hospital stays, home infusions, and so much more. It's so hard, but never give up. Having a major surgery in two days and a long hospital stay. Everything will be alright. Love and hugs from Florida!


this must have been hard to film, but it will comfort many ❤ thank you for sharing your experience


considering i was exactly 12 when i became disabled, i kinda wanna scream listening to this


It’s sad but true I’ve had what ever I have sense I was little sense 5 years old sense then I’ve had so many er visits and so many fainting episodes and sezuire and getting told I’ll get better but it never does I haven’t felt good for ever I always have one symptom a day and with no diagnosis and many blood works and no answers I don’t feel like I’m living anymore just surviving.

Автор one understand chronic pain/invisible disabilities


I wish I could tell 14 year old me this
