1 hour of Ambient Fantasy Music | Enchanted Lands - Volume 2

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Enchanted Lands - Volume 2
A 60-minute atmospheric journey drifting through contrasts of light and dark, evoking imagery of realms both ancient and mystical.
© 2017 The Guild of Ambience
℗ 2017 The Guild of Ambience
#ambientmusic #fantasymusic #relaxingmusic #rpgmusic #dndmusic
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One of the best, if not the best, ambient mix I have listened to. I have listened to this mix for 2 years now and still revisit often.


I listened to this when I read the Lord of the Rings for the first time. It was an ethereal experience.


This soundtrack have been helping me out in the most disturbing times of my life, since I've first listened to it
I'm simply thankful to the effort you've put on this and make you know how it's important to me
My sincerest thank you


Didn't realise the clouds were moving :O


Two weeks straight of writing, needing ambience to both mask noise that I can't control and to keep my imagination focused and undistracted. I just don't get tired of this. It is not grating or boomy in any way, it's not distracting sonically. It's composed to sort of keep in time with thought, at least it seems that way. It i also not too static or "doomy"", it has just the right blend of consonance and dissonance, musicality and non-musicality. Thanks a million.


I know this is 4 years late but this is the highest quality ambience I've ever heard, and as a person who loves fantasy over anything else, this really hit the spot


Would love to hear a followup Volume 3 if you ever felt like compiling one. this vibe is golden.


Well its been nearly 5 years, but I've finally found something which is similar to the Skyrim Atmospheres tracks. Thank you so much for making and uploading this, this is awesome.


I just want you to know how much the fantasy music in this series has impacted me. This is the most beautiful piece I’ve ever heard. Keep doing what you’re doing. Im so touched. Have an amazing day


Nothing better to write stories to. Thanks for the upload, let's the imagination run wild.


One of my favorite audio's for sitting down, focusing, or just getting lost in my thoughts.
Thank you.


I have a peculiar association. I once went on a solitary hike up into the mountains, here in the sub-arctic regions, going up from below in the green and warm, sunlit valley at 700 meters above sea level up to 1300 meters, where there were no trees, just bare rock, mosses, alpine flora and the cool autumn night descending on me in my little tent, with no possibility to connect to civilization. The bare cold rock of the mountains surrounded me, and as the sun went down behind the mountains I tried to enjoy the last few rays of warmth that barely reached me through the rapidly cooling air. I felt alone and a bit uneasy, even though I was well prepared and had my little tent up in time. I should have prioritized more on food and warmth, even though I was fine. I could have stayed longer if I had more food. But I never felt such a strange feeling of being alive and at the same time feeling detached from the world around me, as - even though subconsciously I was looking for answers to the questions of existence/creation - Nature kept silent. I still am trying to find words for what I was feeling that night. It was sobering (being detached from everything I usually take as a given: comfort, food, heating, instant communication etc.) and weird and frightening and awesome all at the same time. I did not see one single animal, although at night I heard something small (a fox?) quietly rummaging outside my tent. Possibly the best word to describe it was sublime (without any of the mushy warm feelings of the popular/colloquial use of the word, to be sure). It was one of the greatest (deepest, subtly intense) experiences of my life.


I can't stress you enough how hard it is to find ambiance music.


I use this regularly for studying and paper writing. It's so relaxing and just a nice background that isn't too distracting.


This gives me chills to listen to. I reminisce over the DnD campaigns I've played...
A young, Circle of Twilight druid, gazing sadly over the waves of a river. A burning city reflected in her eyes, lost to a plague of undead.
An aged Aasimar ranger squints in to the white frozen landscape, a frost giant dead at her feet. She looks back, seeing her fellow party searching the wreckage of the town for survivors.
A tabaxi bard lovingly plucks the strings of a lute, whilst seated on the roof of her theatre. As the sun sets on Waterdeep, she thinks of her dear friend, whose instrument she holds in her hands.
Now I want to play DnD again <3


Please please please, I hope you will make a 3rd Volume of this. The quality of this one is amazing and I hope the 3rd one is going to be even better.


This in my opinion is still the best atmospheric ambient there is.


This music does to me something that I cannot put into words...


OH MY GOODNESS. ANOTHER YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I THE FIRST ONE, it was AMAZING! I'd listen to it before almost every exam/while studying the night before to calm myself down - I love it so much and it helps me alot. Thank you soooo much!!


This reminds me of Iceland when I was visiting it during winter. This piece of music perfectly describes the ambience of the whole country in winter. Dark, light, scary, peaceful.
