Phasor and The Phasor Diagram in AC Circuits Explained

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In this video, phasor, and Phasor Diagram for AC circuits have been explained. And at the end, voltage and current relationship between the basic circuit elements like resistor, inductor, and capacitor has been explained using phasor diagram.

What is Phasor?

Phasor is one of the ways by which we can represent AC sinusoidal signals and we can perform arithmetic operations onto these sinusoidal signals.

Phasor is rotating the vector, which rotates around its origin at angular speed w rad/sec in anti-clockwise direction. The length of this vector represents the maximum amplitude of the sinusoidal signal and the angular velocity represents the angular frequency of the sinusoidal signal.

When phasors are represented on phasor diagram they are represented by only amplitude and phase of sinusoidal signals.
(Frequency is not represented because phasor diagram is used for signals which have same frequency but different phase and amplitude)

What is phasor diagram?

As its name suggests, phasor diagram is used to represent the phase difference between the sinusoidal signals which have the same frequency but different phase and amplitude.

Using this phasor diagram, it is easy to analyze different sinusoidal signal signals which have the same frequency.

Mathematically these phasors can be represented in three different forms.

1) Polar Form
2) Rectangular Form
3) Exponential Form

In this video, it has been shown that how to represent phasor in this three forms.

And at the end, voltage and current relationship between the basic circuit elements like resistor, inductor, and capacitor has been explained using phasor diagram.

1) Resistor: For resistor, Voltage and current will be in phase

2) Inductor: For inductor, voltage will lead the current by 90 degree

3) Capacitor: For capacitor, current will lead the voltage by 90 degree

Timestamps for the different topics in the video is given below:

0:20 What is Phasor and Phasor Diagram

5:24 Mathematical representation of Phasor in different ways

6:40 Voltage and Current Relationship in Resistor using phasor diagram

7:53 Voltage and Current Relationship in Inductor using phasor diagram

10:03 Voltage and Current Relationship in capacitor using phasor diagram

11:57 Summary and simple trick to remember V-I relationship for basic circuit elements.

This video will be helpful to all students in understanding the concept of phasor and phasor diagram in the AC circuits.

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You have done a fantastic job with this series on AC circuit analysis. Speech is so succinct and thought out and your lecture notes are spot on. Made my life so much easier. May someone facilitate you as effectively as you have facilitated so many students like myself.


I also wanted to share one shortcut.
IPL - Inductor, Potential Leads
CCL- Capacitor, Current Leads


Always know I can rely on this channel to explain challenging concepts better than my lecturers who did their PhD in electrical engineering.


Thank you so much I tried looking high and low for someone to explain where the theta came from in a A + jB situation and NOW i have an answer.


So many years I have been reading but never listen a trick like CIVIL anywhere.It's really awesome for remembering.Great work guys...keep it up.I always searched your video first in youtube for any topic related to electrical.


grateful to you formaking me understand what i couldn't for past 1week:)


190K views, 2.3K This video deserves more


Thanks for ur nice explanation 🤗🤗ur CIVIL trick is best👍👍


Very nice video and because of the CIVIL word I will always remember now


This video is nothing but a good explanation.


Thank you sir! Your explanation helps me a lot


yr video on phaser and phaser diagrams in ac circuit:_
I have no words to express my gratitude for yr above brilliant VEDIO.
During my COLLEGE/technical institution days i had tried my BEST to understand these things but in vain. None of the books nor my teachers lecture HELPED ME TO grasp their significance. Even till today i REMEMBERED all the equations and differenciations but blindly.
But now today After yr brilliant tutorial i could appreciate their significance.
I understood every small bit u explained there.
the video Is a classic EXAMPLE OF how a number of information can be in one small video that too completely clearing all doubts without intimidation.
thank u
s.vatsa, Bangalore.


Very Beautifully explained !! Thumbs up!


Really thanks for this wonderful video


when we draw the phasors in the plane, which value should be taken ? maximum or RMS ? is there any hard and fast rule that we always need to take only the RMS value of an AC quantity for phasor diagrams ?


Way to remember useing the word civil is great


Want to ask why voltage line always greater than current line...In phasor diagram if it is in same phase than both line are same..But when it leg or lead v is greater tha current????


actually in many cases phasors represented by rms value. got it. this is due to voltmeter reading.
