Learn Your First Song on Guitar | Travis Tritt | I'm Gonna Be Somebody

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Learn "I'm gonna be somebody" by Travis Tritt in this easy to follow vid.
SnapChat: GuitarTeacher44
Learn to play your very first song "I'm Gonna Be Somebody" by Travis Tritt. Use the G C D Em chords.

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God bless!
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Country song teacher is very correct. Your amazing ive tried to learn the guitar for about 20 years now and watching you ive really started to learn i love it


I've been singing for years and years. I always wanted to learn how to play guitar, but I seriously have NO patience. My guitar was sitting in the corner for 5 years until these last 4 days. I can now play this whole song! Thank you so much!!!!


This is more than a song lesson this is a parenting lesson. You're amazing dude.


I have learned so much by your videos. I’ve watched so many other videos and couldn’t connect my brain. Thank you for doing this. My dad and mom was my biggest fans, I sing. My dad bought me a guitar at 12 and I didn’t want to learn so I sold it. 🥹😭😭. He could play any instrument and he was a genius who couldn’t read or write but he played guitar and banjo like a star. I’m now 54, He’s passed and my heart cannot find peace until I finally learn to play and go show him at his resting place. I pray often that that guitar he bought me somehow finds its way back to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ❤❤❤ 🙏


Thank you so much! My dad passed away last year. He left me his guitar and after looking at it sitting my office for a year I’m finally ready to try to play it


I love this song and this tutorial but I love the sound of your little ones playing in the background. Keep them coming!


Do a tutorial over It's a Great Day to be Alive by Travis Tritt


Your an amazing teacher great take on how you teach it so simple so clear . Thanks Matt God bless you . Music is everything.


I've been trying to learn guitar for a long time. I even took lessons in school, but I just never could memorize how all of the chords and commit them to memory. In my head, I can play EVERY SOUND a guitar makes, in EVERY SONG I HEAR...I just can't play them on a guitar. I can't tell you how I hate that. I say I should have been born a guitar, because I sound just like one, just with my voice, not my guitar. I must have 8-9 guitars in my home. I have been saying I'm gonna learn. I'm 57, and there's so much great music in my head and soul. I'm trying to learn on your channel, and I have to say, this is helping me mire than anything I've tried so far. Thanks for being so clear and keeping it simple. Good looking kid ya got there, too. 👍🏼


I've just stumbled across your channel. I'm from Liverpool in the United Kingdom. Just started to learn to play the guitar this past week or so and this lesson, although I don't know the song is brilliant! I'm strumming away and getting my chord changes pretty well. (Only country singers I know are Chris Stapleton and Oliver Anthony who I had the pleasure of watching a few weeks ago live in Glasgow, Scotland.) Love this lesson, I'm definitely going to be coming back here for some more. Thanks. 👍🏻🎸


I have watched Matt’s videos since November and practiced on a weekly basis and am getting very good. It was beneficial too that when I go to an in person lesson, I tell them I want to play the song like this::: Shows them Matt’s C and G:::
For example 18 wheels and a dozen roses sounds so much better with Matt’s G and C than regular boring G and C. The boring G and C are also the harder ones to play.
Thank you Matt for all that you have done for my music career.


❤❤❤ good to see a god fearing man succeed on youtube ... I like luke from outdoors boys


I love how Matt says: ‘if you’re a beginner you’ll sound like this!’ 💯💯
👉imitates sound perfectly lol 😂


You are a wonderful teacher man! I just started learning acoustic and this video just made my whole week! Thank you so much!


Hey I like the way teach no one's ever taught the way you Teach how move your chords. also I love the song thanks Again


Have you ever taught, shake the sugar tree
Your awesome man, you bring joy everytime I watch, keep it up and prayers to you


Your back up vocalists are awesome😁😉☺😉😁


I'm still gonna make this the First Song I learn. I just now am able to strum all four of these Chords . I have been watching you for a couple Months now. I had a chord buddy lol. Now that you Showed me your way I'm able to learn. It was worth Sticking with it . God Bless


Could you do drinkin problem by Midland. I'm still working on should've been a cowboy but I would love to see drinkin problem in one of your great videos


I’ve been struggling with guitar for a while and this is the 3rd video of yours I’ve watched and it moves so much quicker for jam sessions and just playing with friends. Really amazing man keep it up!!!
