N. Korean earthquake, unlikely to be a nuclear test

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핵실험감시기구 "北지진, 6차 핵실험 여파인 듯"
Small earthquakes were detected yesterday in North Korea, raising concerns the regime may have tested another nuclear device.
But the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization has been looking at the seismic activity and found that it was unlikely to have been artificial, or the result of a bomb.
Park Hee-jun has more.
The latest analysis shows that the two earthquakes that took place in North Korea on Saturday,... were not the result of another nuclear test.
Lassina Zerbo, the head of the CTBTO,... tweeted on Sunday that the activity was unlikely to be man-made.
He said Saturday's tremors were similar to those earlier this month -- which were detected not *as* the nuclear tests occurred but eight minutes afterwards.
This would mean they were not the result of another explosion.

The Korea Meteorological Administration announced that an earthquake of magnitude 3-point-2 was detected in the North Saturday afternoon,... around 50 kilometers from the site of previous nuclear tests.
That followed a smaller magnitude 2-point-6 tremor a few hours earlier.
The location being close to the Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site,... the international community was highly concerned.

The U.S. Geological Survey and the European Mediterranean Seismological Center also detected the quakes but could not confirm their cause.
They said they occurred relatively close to ground level... at a depth of between 0 and 5 kilometers, raising suspicions that it was an explosion.
When the depth is under 10 kilometers, experts normally conclude that a quake was man-made.
Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.

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