How Good Are Kritical Thermal Pads? (and How Do You Install Them?) | Includes Benchmarks!

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If you want to learn the basics of repadding a GPU, this video is for you!

EDIT: Questions about the "RMA Pads". So I got a card with dummied VRAM from EVGA some months ago, and RMAd it same day because my local shop doesn't take returns on Video Cards anymore. When I got the new card, it had *much* better than stock pads on it (based on other EVGA 3xxx cards I already own), but still nothing on the level of 12.8 w/mk+ type pads.


Uh, I guess that's all for this video!

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Just alittle FYI. FOR ANYONE THAT DOES NOT WANT TO REMOVE THE BACKPLATE. If you ONLY take the screws out that do not have the under nuts on, along with the tension bracket, you can actually remove the PCB from the cooler. The screws with the nuts are for the backplate only. Hope this saves someone some time


a big FYI to anyone thinking of doing this. Kritical thermal pads after 6 months to a year the performance will start to degrade so the temps will start going back up. Quite a few people who game have told me this. Stick with Gelid Ultimate or Nab Cooling thermal pads. The sweet spot is Thermalright Odyssey pads although they arent much cheaper than Gelid. Nab Cooling is the same exact pads as Gelid just at a cheaper price. Both companies get their pads from the same supplier the stats are the same and they both get the same temps in game when put up against other thermal pads. I have had Gelid Ultimate pads on my EVGA 3080 ftw3 since I first bought the card so 5 years old at this point? I have opened up the card once or twice to repaste it and the pads have held up fine with no tearing and same temps.


Hell yeah, love my Kritical pads. I put them on all my water blocks for my build and my wife’s gpu. I just bought the 100mm squares and cut them to the sizes needed. Got her 3080 suprim x to go from 115c to 72C lol it’s insane.


cool video homie! definitely deserves more views, love the format


Very chill and informative, thanks bro!


Please do a comparison of the Gelid GP-Ultimate and Kritical pads. The former is 15w/mK. I'd be interested to see difference in thermals. These companies have different testing methodologies and different hardness to the pads that they make their claims on, so it would be interesting to see if the Kritical pads really are better.


Thanks for the video. Love the 80s music btw....


That "head in the way" problem is easily solved. Have you heard of the "camera in the ceiling" solution? There is a better way to store screws and other larger parts. Buy an old-style ice tray. Secure it to your workbench with VELCRO. Number the individual bins. Place the first screws removed in #1 bin, the next set in #2 bin, etc. When you remove an item too large for the bin, write its name on a piece of thin cardboard and put that in the bin. When you reassemble, start with the highest number bin and work down. No one wants to tighten screws too tightly or not enough. My solution was to purchase an EK-LOOP Torgue Screwdriver. It will allow me to replace my screws with the correct torque. Hope my comment helps.


i was looking to re-pad this exact card but i didnt see on the website that i NEED to add heatsinks? is this an actual requirement or is this optional?


Any updates on these pads? Did you ever get around to doing your hybrid card?


It did worse for my evga 3090 on the back vram. When I add some pressure it goes lower but once I do not it sky rockets. I guess maybe it’s too thick that it doesn’t have good pressure on it’s own


Hello. Has your Core temp been effected by the thermal pads?


Does anyone know which sides to mount where? Does the honey comb side mount to the pcb or to the Heatsink? Is one side more sticky than the other?


Hey, I live in New Zealand and am trying to get my card back to factory settings for RMA any idea what pads you can use to do this? The EVGA for my region won't send them and am kinda stuck as they say I am allowed to change pads and cooling options and my warranty is still valid, but are screwing me on them needing to be as factory.


Any thoughts about honeycomb side of the pads? Should be facing the vram? Or facing the dissipator?


Is this only for mining? If I were to do this upgrade would I see any performance boost in gaming? I’m not a miner. I would like to OC my card further.


I just got these my 3080 worked for 10 mins crashed and then only giving a VGA light on my mobo. No clue what could have happened. I cant even get a POST


If your using air only try coolmygpu with good thermal paste and 14+ temp difference


Great video. Mind if I send my 3080 FTW3 to you to do the same? Haha, I'm nervous as heck to try it myself.


What do you mean by "RMA pads"?
