You can do Ruqyah all by yourself, it’s that simple ! #ruqyah #ruqyahealing #islamicreminders #dua

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You could do it all by yourself, it’s that easy !

Speaker - Ahmad Bostani @abostani

*Surah Fatiha*

Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri:
Some of the companions of the Prophet (ﷺ) came across a tribe amongst the tribes of the Arabs, and that tribe did not entertain them. While they were in that state, the chief of that tribe was bitten by a snake (or stung by a scorpion). They said, (to the companions of the Prophet (ﷺ) ), "Have you got any medicine with you or anybody who can treat with Ruqya?" The Prophet's companions said, "You refuse to entertain us, so we will not treat (your chief) unless you pay us for it." So they agreed to pay them a flock of sheep. One of them (the Prophet's companions) started reciting Surat-al-Fatiha and gathering his saliva and spitting it (at the snake-bite). The patient got cured and his people presented the sheep to them, but they said, "We will not take it unless we ask the Prophet (whether it is lawful)." When they asked him, he smiled and said, "How do you know that Surat-al-Fatiha is a Ruqya? Take it (flock of sheep) and assign a share for me."

*Sahih Al-Bukhari 5736*

*Surah falaq and naas*

Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated in their two Sahih (authentic) Books of Hadith on the authority of Ma‘mar from Al-Zuhry from ‘Urwah that ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said:

In his last illness, the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to blow breath (into his cupped hands) and recite Al-Mu‘awwidhatayn (Surahs Al-Falaq and Al-Nas) and then wipe over his body. But when his illness aggravated, I used to recite them over him and pass his own hand over his body for its blessing.

Aisha reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, when anyone from his family was sick, he would blow over them with the two chapters of refuge. When he was sick with the illness in which he died, I blew over him and wiped himself with his hands, as they had greater blessings than my hand.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2192

*ayatul kursi*

Ayatul Kursi: Protection from the jinn

It was narrated from ‘Abd-Allah ibn Ubayy ibn Ka’b that his father told him that he had a vessel in which he kept dates. He used to check on it and found that the number was decreasing. So he kept guard on it one night and saw a beast that looked like an adolescent boy. He said: “I greeted him with salams and he returned my greeting, then I asked him, ‘What are you, a jinni or a human?’ He said, ‘A jinni.’ I said to him, ‘Show me your hand.’ So he showed me his hand, and it looked like a dog’s paw with dog’s fur. I said, ‘Do all the jinn look like this?’ He said, ‘I know no one among the jinn who is stronger than I.’ I said, ‘What made you do what you did [i.e., taking the dates]?’ He said, ‘We heard that you are a man who loves charity, and we wanted to have some of your food.’” Ubayy asked him, “What will protect us from you?” He said, “This ayah, Ayatul Kursi .” Then the next day he [Ubayy] went to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and told him (about what had happened) and he said, “The evil one spoke the truth.”…


Here are some other hadiths which relay the importance of Ruqyah and when and how to recite.

It was narrated from Aishah that the Prophet (ﷺ) used to blow when performing Ruqyah. Sunan Ibn Majah 3528 classified as Sahih (Darussalam).

It was narrated from ‘Aishah that the Prophet (ﷺ) commanded her to recite Ruqyah to treat the evil eye. Sunan Ibn Majah 3512 classified as Sahih (Darussalam).

In Jami At-Tirmidhi 972 Jibril recited ruqyah for Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) to help with his suffering. It was to cure him from evil of every person and evil eye.

#islam #islamicmotivation #ruqyah #ruqyahealing #spritualhealing #surahbaqarah #surahfatiha #surahnas #surahfalaq #ayatulkursi #amanarasul #allahuakbar #alhamdulillah #deen #prophetmuhammadﷺ #dua #prayer
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Tawus and tasmiya 1) Fatiha surah 7 times 2)ayat ul kursi 7 times. 3)last two ayat of Surat ul baqarah. 4)surah falaq and surah naas.


Please pray for me as I am suffering from depression and anxiety more than a year 😢 allah paak give me lasting cure allah can do anything aameen 🤲


Thanks to this video i am way more relaxed and joyful now


Habibi thank you, simple dua is even enough and bismillah with intention is even enough


Shukuran wa jazakallah khaira sheik May Allah subuhanah wa ta 'ala protect all of us insha Allah


JazakAllahu khair ❤ may Allah swt Bless you with good health and wealth


Im in a very big pickle and Allah is able to do all things, i know It'll be alright


So your telling me ive been doing ruqiya all along😊


thanks for this advice May Allah make it easy for you May Allah fill your heart with good things


Masha 'Allaah!
Allahumma barik feekh.


Tysm for this. Question: can a women on her period do this and it still work? As she has not done wudu?


Assalaamu alaikum.Can a woman recite ruqya versesn surah wn in haiz or without wudu? Jazaakumullah khair


Not always especially if you fund it hard to pray and recite Quran. You can always have a raaqi perform ruqiya on you until you feel better and strong enough to continue it yourself


Ja to radim godinama i pijem iskljucivo takvu vodu❤


Can i do for to cure from black magic and evil eye etc?


Can surah bakarah be read in any language while doing ruqya


Request you to share the reference for the same from scriptures.


Dear sister are you scholar? Or ustad? I do ruqyah but the power that controls messing with for long time... Allah does not have mercy on me? ? ?

Can you sign post to anybody I have been ill for long time...

The person or power that controls me make people angry towards me hostile towards me but I have no power

Please what advice


Do not blow on water the rest thing is proper


Can you also do it, when you are on your period?
