Monet Waterlilies Bridge (Part 1) Impressionist Acrylic Painting Tutorial LIVE

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Learn to paint a Monet inspired masterpiece "Bridge Over a Pond of Waterlilies" with easy to follow instructions. Artist Angela Anderson will guide you during this LIVE free art lesson. How to paint like the Impressionists.

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Materials Used:
Titanium White
Yellow Oxide
Cadmium Yellow Light
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Alizarin Crimson or Quinacridone Magenta
Phthalo Blue
Phthalo Green
Sap Green (optional)
Turquoise Phthalo (optional)
Teal (optional)
Ultramarine Blue
Cobalt Blue
Burnt Sienna
Acrylic Synthetic (Taklon or Nylon) Brushes:

Social Media Contacts:
Snail Mail: P.O. Box 12171, Russellville, AR 72812
(I'd love to hear from you!)

Copyright info: Videos produced by Angela Anderson (angelafineart) are intended for private use only by non-profit community, home and school groups. Please contact me for commercial/retail use licensing information. Feel free to embed the videos as is, but please do not alter, remove watermarks, re-upload or otherwise change the original video. Thank you.
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Did this painting two years ago for an art project at school. Now I've come back to it to recreate on three massive canvases that are all connected with the bridge with an extra added waterfall in the middle for decor in my bedroom!!!! In love with how it's turned Couldn't have done it without this video! THANK YOU 🤩🤩


Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us! Love this one, but am scared to try it!!!


Hello Angela, although I didn't get the live show I'm enjoying the process of trusting in the process especially when you're saying it looks a hot mess. That's exactly what us crocheters say when making a project. Since you paint so well I'm sure you could do anything you put your mind to. Enjoy the stories that you tell during the process. Well back to the painting!


Very very wonderful art, so knowledable. Love to watch, thanks.


This is a very lovely painting Angela 🌈🎨👍💗


So excited to do this one!!! I wasn't able to watch this one live, but I am definitely painting this one. Monet is my


Sap green base color by most brands is phthalo green where they differ is the yellow used, tfs a lovely painting.


Angela, this looks great!! My friend and I are still trying your "Red Poppy, " but this one will be next! Thank you so much for posting these tutorials! We are having the best time trying to paint with you!


Greetings from Australia. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent. I am 'old' but new to painting and I am enjoying watching your videos and learning along the way. Best wishes.


Fabulous painting! ( yes I already seen the second part lol )


This has got to be the best tutorial step by step I ever watched on


Very very good, my favourite artist, I think you did a wonderful painting


Hi there, do you know if I can get the same results using oil painting? or in order to get those same results I should use acrylic painting instead?


Beautiful Angela! It is too difficult for my skills and stamina yet but I know I will paint this someday and glad your tutorial is here to guide me. Thank you!


Angela, I know that I can pause the video af anytime. However, It would be helpful if when you are actually painting if you would state which colors you are mixing on your pallete to create the colors on canvas. Don't get me wrong, because you do sometimes say which colors you are choosing to mix with what. I think you start really getting into it and forget to say which colors you're mixing to create certain colors. I'm very new at this and you are the best one I've found so far. Painting brings me great pleasure and a sense of accomplishment. I am disabled with severe scoliosis and I also have autoimmune disease. I had a brain tumor in 2001. Later something happened at my brain stem that caused my spine basically collapse. Iv by been putting off the surgery for years. Now I have to do it because it getting worse. I walk bent over, looking at the floor and my body has twisted to the right. I a little afraid because it may take 2 days to do the whole thing. If thr surgery goes over 6or7 hours, there is more of a chance of infection. I say all this because I'm asking for prayer and positive energy sent my way. This is such a serious surgery because I'll have to be in rehab for 3 months if I make it though the surgery. pray for me and send me positive thoughts, I'd be most grateful.


The 1/2" Bright she starts with, I have's "Robert Simmons Titanium #6. Its not as stiff as the Simply Simmons Extra Firm at AC Moore, but not as limp as the rest of the brushes they sell. I searched hard trying to find a medium firmness brush like this. Hope this helps other frustrated learners like myself. It really does help to have the same brush as the teacher or you won't get the same results which, for me, makes me give up and I don't want to do that...


I love this painting and love Monet.  When I was in Paris I so enjoyed his work.  I will have to give this one a try.  Thanks for doing the live shows Angela and Mark.


😁. I know you have many years of experience, but how did you start giving classes. Just wanted to start giving classes to get some extra $$ because I’m looking to work from home soon. Been drawing for about a year to get better and doing gouache and water colors. Thank you for the information


So beautyful! And so much fun trying to do one myself.
And what a charming couple you two are! Part of the joy of watching your tutorials, is listening to you an your husband =)


this absolutely gorgeous .. questo quadro e' bellissimo !!
