SwiftUI - Fetching json data from an API (GET & POST HTTP requests) using URLSession
Показать описание
In this tutorial, I'm going to show how to fetch JSON data from an API using URLSession(GET & POST requests) with the MVVM (Model View ViewModel) Design Pattern in SwiftUI
And you can learn about how to use
- ObservableObject
- @Published
- @ObservedObject
for MVVM to fetch JSON data in SwiftUI, SwiftUI 2.0
Source code:
Example JSON URL for testing
GET HTTP Request
MVVM with ObservableObject @Published @ObservedObject to fetch JSON
Create a Login and Register page with Neuromorphic Design
And you can learn about how to use
- ObservableObject
- @Published
- @ObservedObject
for MVVM to fetch JSON data in SwiftUI, SwiftUI 2.0
Source code:
Example JSON URL for testing
GET HTTP Request
MVVM with ObservableObject @Published @ObservedObject to fetch JSON
Create a Login and Register page with Neuromorphic Design
Fetching JSON data from an API | SwiftUI in 5 minutes | 2020
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