Practice 10: Password (Basic Java Programming 31)

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【Basic Java Programming 31】
Let's code! Write a program to get a password. You can download an example code.

Write the program that we get a randomized password according to the condition that user input.

・Make sure you create two classes.
・The character counts are greater than or equals to 3, and they are less than or equals to 128.
・The character counts that the user wants
・The password consists of lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and symbols.
・A user can define the condition of the password. Users decide whether they need lowercase character or not. About uppercase, numbers, and symbols, a user can choose it likewise.
・Display the password on the prompt.

Input the character counts (3-128):
Do you need lowercase characters? (y or n):
Do you need uppercase characters? (y or n):
Do you need numbers?
Do you need symbles?

◆ Practice 10 Example - download

◆ Practice 10 Password

◆ Makoto Official Site
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