Goku VS Saitama

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Finally some fax coming from this channel 🗿


Multiversal lvl vs solar system lvl Fodder 😂


In there own universes they are both unstoppable


For all the saitama fans. Goku is multiverse level and here are the reasons why 1 in BoG Goku shocked the universe and almost destroyed it and which in the process that was stated by the Kai’s that galaxies were being rip apart, Goku is stronger than beings that are 5D like Goku black he cut space and time without any effort, Gogeta and broly broke and created a dimension, kid Buu scream open a portal that broke the dimension and he destroy galaxies for fun, and etc. Goku can move a billion times faster than the speed of light. He survived a energy burst that was like a black hole on crack and a hakai that can destroy anything it touches. And before you say “b-but he almost died to a common laser🤓” he was caught off guard the laser hit his heart also didn’t saitama got scratched by a cat?


Complex multiversal Chad vs solar system level gay bald fodder


Even if goku beats saitama, saitama grows in strength limitlessly way to the fact you won’t be able to even scratch him, bruise him, or even make him bleed.

That’s the true man of steel right there.



100 pushups 100 sit-ups 100 squats and a 10 kilometer run every day for three years with no AC Saitama broke his limiter and attained extraordinary strength and able to one punch virtually anyone in his verse until he met Boros and for the first time we see Saitama's one punch not work as Boros is able to take consecutive normal hits from Saitama until he gets serious a viable argument for Saitama speed comes to from being able to surpass flashy flash who was clearly stated to be faster than light multiple times and legitimately having light based abilities and even someone like awake cockroach who has stated to be fast as light as well with Saitama scaling over them for obvious reasons this will put his speed around (FTL) July 2022 we got to see cosmic fear Garo perform a faster then light feat with flashy flash and platinum sperm as well as Garo splitting a continent-length monster in half and even his gamma ray burst with even blast joining in on the fight we got to see Saitama's true power where he and Garo nuked an uncountable amount of Stars putting him anywhere from multi solar system lvl to multi-galaxy lvl however we don't actually know whether these two clashing actually destroy these Stars or push them in a further direction as there's nothing to even solidify the statement of this quote-unquote galaxy busting feat but I'ma just say he multi-galaxy Saitama also sneezes away Jupiter which holds the mass of over 1, 300 earth's solidifying his planter busting capabilities and this is confirmed to be Saitama's Max performance a common misconception is that Saitama isn't using his full power because he's using one hand to fight Garo however this would olny give Saitama a handicap as far as his fighting capabilities and his actual power that he's releasing with each attack during his fight with Garo Saitama grows exponentially however this doesn't mean he can always adapt to any opponent as Saitama olny grows when he experiencing intense emotions which In this case is his rage at Garo due to him murdering genos in Cold Blood not olny this but during their fight Garo says he's limitlessly strong however this is clearly a overstatement because Garo wouldn't know how strong Saitama is with Saitama himself saying he using full power his disapprove Garo's previous statement using this information it's far more viable and consistent to say Saitama grows limitlessly and not he's limitlessly strong but so how does this bear up against Goku?


Goku and Beerus in the Battle of god's arc were threatening the entirety of the universe 7 macrocosm which contains multiple universe-sized bodies which are infinite in size/this macrocosm shaking feat is a high-universal feat at the start of dragon ball super Goku performed this feat in his super Saiyan god then later absorbed that super Saiyan god power into his base now being capable of performing that feat In his base form during the tournament of power Goku went toe-to-toe with Jiren who surpasses zamasu in his infinite state that engulfed the entirety of trunks timeline and seeped into the main timeline Goku then process to win against Jiren in MUI and as I mentioned earlier Goku absorbed his universe shaking feat into base the being capable of multiplying his power by many times just by transforming with super Saiyan being a 50× multiplier super Saiyan 2 being a 2× multiplier off of one and super Saiyan 3 being a 4× multiplier off of two which essentially means he's able to become 400× of his transformations alone with his stack backing onto his godly base form and this isn't even accounting for his god forms as for speed Goku is Far beyond the speed is light traveling through hell which is calculated at 4.38 quadrillions× faster then then light itself and this was during the Buu saga even Goku as a mere child was shown dodging lasers he was upside down and not moving when it's fired a laser will travel at 299, 792, 458 metres per second Goku in (OG) dragon ball was able to dodge TN solar flare an attack that is pure light and has enough time to get master Roshi's glasses and then dip so Goku as early as before DBZ is faster than light itself Goku in the Frieza saga escapes Frieza's imprisonment ball which is described as a paralyzing light with his sherr speed so Goku in early Z is FTL+ and far faster then light in super Saiyan which is a 50× multiplier the question isn't can he beat Goku the question becomes can he beat Buu saga Goku or cell saga Goku hell can he even beat Frieza saga Goku with Buhan screaming so hard that he began to create distortions in the space around him eventually covering the entire living world and eventually wiping out the universe this scream was actually concentrated by Buhan and super Saiyan vegito just straight up tanks his dimensional Terror tier attack with super Saiyan god Goku at the start of super being stronger this DBZ vegito in this perfect cell being stated to have infinite power which by one punch man fan logic means true infinity and Goku embarrassing cell in the afterlife in the next arc of Z so no Saitama doesn't have a chance of beating Buu saga Goku let alone full power (AKA TUI) goku from the current ongoing dragon ball super manga and some people like to bring the low feats like Goku getting hit by a rock in DBZ bro Saitama got scratched by a cat he also couldn't even catch a mosquito 💀


Only thing that Saitama takes in a combat is IQ and Potential, rest all of the points goes to Goku


Hard for my boy Saitama but it's fax


Goku vs Saitama

Strength - Goku [Shake universes by his transformation]

Speed + Agility - Saitama [Infinite speed manga confirmed it]

Durability - Goku [Survived in hakai ball that erase existences]

Iq + Intelligence - Saitama [Obviously]

Battle iq + Experience - Goku [No question]

Hax - Saitama [He is not haxless guy, He prooved that he is limitless]

Ability + Power - Goku [Obviously]

Combat - Goku [Battle experienced]

Combat speed - Saitama [1000+ punch in 1 Sec]

Edurance - goku [He survive the fireball of beerus that can destroy half of the universe]

Potential - Goku [Infinite]

Attack potency - Goku [Ap = durability]

Winner - Goku


There might be huge disagreements about DragonBall and God of War on this channel but both can agree that Kratos and Goku slap foddertama with ease.


But Saitama destroy space box contains everything


Here comes the haters who can't accept saitama stomps goku in any form since saitama is a gag character and the author One confirmed that.

"B–but g-hoku almost destroyed the universe"

Don't talk about goku destroying the macrocosm which the shockwaves didn't do anything to any of the realms. Beerus and champa actually was about to destroy the universe and Whis and Vados actually stopped him Whis said he can't stop a universe destroying attack so that debunks them from being multiversal.

"G-Goku absorbed god in base so caped baldy punch won't effect him"

Goku can't survive a planet explosion even vegeta being in his strongest form against weakened frieza got destroyed and beerus was scared to be in that explosion and whis time rewinded

"Goku survived a-a-a

Goku was saved by beerus and destructive energy works differently. Hakai is the highest technique of complete erasure.It can only be controlled by someone strong enough to control it. Which sad because sidra being one of the weakest gods of destructions. Toppo had hakai energy but couldn't use it to its full extent..

"B- but his gag only works in his verse"

Theres no proof of that and is a arbitrary statement

Just like Arale she could beat beerus because she's a gag character just like saitama being absurdly strong.
Beerus having a stomach ache was part of the gag,

Just like saitama training is a gag and would realistically not put him near anyone in opm universe.When saitama fights god its gonna be Gurren Lagann levels .


Imagine Saitama &Goku Helping each other to conquering other anime verse


I like how when Uploaded goku vs saitama, 90% of the comments were saitamatards while i see people saying w here


Saitama is galaxy level but goku is universal level


Saitama vs Goku has been an ongoing debate among anime fans for a long time. Both characters have their share of impressive feats and abilities that have earned them a massive following. However, in a hypothetical battle between the two, the question arises as to who would come out on top.

Saitama is the protagonist of the One-Punch Man anime series. His defining characteristic is his strength, which is so immense that he can take out any opponent with a single punch. Saitama earned his strength through intense training, which he underwent to become a hero and defend his city against powerful monsters.

On the other hand, Goku is the main character of the Dragon Ball anime series. He, too, is incredibly strong and possesses various abilities. Goku is a Saiyan, a race that has the power to increase their strength tremendously after experiencing some form of trauma, such as a near-death experience. Goku's training regimen is equally severe, and he has faced some of the most formidable opponents in the series.

The debate about who would win between Saitama and Goku boils down to their strength and abilities. Saitama's one-punch ability allows him to defeat even the toughest opponents with ease, regardless of their size or strength. On the other hand, Goku's Super Saiyan forms can give him an enormous boost in strength, enabling him to take on his most formidable enemies.

Goku has fought against foes that were so powerful that they could destroy entire planets. Saitama, too, has faced his fair share of formidable opponents, including Boros, who was the leader of the Dark Matter Thieves. In their respective universes, both characters are considered to be the strongest beings, and have earned the respect of their peers and fans.

However, when it comes down to a hypothetical battle between Saitama and Goku, Saitama would likely emerge victoriously. This is because Saitama's power is absolute; there is no cap to his strength, and he can defeat anyone with a single punch. Goku, on the other hand, does have limits to his power, and his strength can only increase to a certain degree.

Furthermore, Saitama's training regimen has been so intense that it has pushed him to break his limits and become as strong as he is now. This means that there is a precedent for him to surpass Goku's strength, which is not the case for the other way around.

In conclusion, while the debate about who would win between Saitama and Goku is ongoing, it is clear that Saitama would likely emerge victoriously. His absolute strength and limitless potential make him a formidable opponent, and his training has pushed him to his limits and beyond. While Goku is undoubtedly a powerful character in his own right, his strength has its limits, placing him at a disadvantage against Saitama.


I see so many shorts saying different things so who is stronger Goku or one punch boy?


As per the official statements, statements from the creators and feats of both characters, Goku is stronger than Saitama. Goku has a long list of transformations and abilities, including Super Saiyan 1, 2, 3, and 4, Ultra Instinct, and various other forms that make him one of the strongest characters in anime history. He possesses god-like powers that allow him to fight against powerful entities, such as Beerus, Jiren, and Broly. On the other hand, Saitama's power is designed to be limitless, but it's currently unknown how far his powers could really go. While he can easily defeat most opponents with a single punch, he never faced an enemy who could withstand his full strength.

It's important to note that both characters come from different anime universes, and it's impossible to measure their strength in a fair way. Ultimately, it comes down to personal opinion and preference.
POV: yes I liked my own comment


Goku might be stronger but Saitama has a better work ethic
