Teach Yourself Statistical Mechanics In One Video

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#Thermodynamics #Entropy #Boltzmann
▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
00:00 - Intro
02:20 - Macrostates vs Microstates
04:23 - Derive Boltzmann Distribution
13:11 - Boltzmann Entropy
17:50 - Proving 0th Law of Thermodynamics
20:56 - The Grand Canonical Ensemble
28:40 - Applications of Partition Function
37:08 - Gibbs Entropy
40:05 - Proving 3rd Law of Thermodynamics
40:58 - Proving 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
45:57 - Proving 1st Law of Thermodynamics
50:07 - Summary
In this video we give a complete introduction to the foundations of statistical mechanics.
We are going to examine the physics of macroscopic systems. It is the physics used to describe systems with number of particles on the order of 10^23, the Avogadro constant.
With such numerous degrees of freedom, keeping track of the motion of each individual particle becomes untenable, one is therefore forced to combine the use of the laws of mechanics with statistics, to describe the averages and aggregates of physical observables.
And so statistical mechanics was born. At the heart of this subject lies the partition function, which carries all information concerning a macroscopic system in thermal equilibrium. This is today’s topic.
Some good books for your physics reading list :
Here are my affiliated links(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)
►Susskind’s Theoretical Minimum series :
►Landau & Lifshitz series :
►Greiner series :
-Classical Theoretical Physics :
-Theoretical Physics :
▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
00:00 - Intro
02:20 - Macrostates vs Microstates
04:23 - Derive Boltzmann Distribution
13:11 - Boltzmann Entropy
17:50 - Proving 0th Law of Thermodynamics
20:56 - The Grand Canonical Ensemble
28:40 - Applications of Partition Function
37:08 - Gibbs Entropy
40:05 - Proving 3rd Law of Thermodynamics
40:58 - Proving 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
45:57 - Proving 1st Law of Thermodynamics
50:07 - Summary
In this video we give a complete introduction to the foundations of statistical mechanics.
We are going to examine the physics of macroscopic systems. It is the physics used to describe systems with number of particles on the order of 10^23, the Avogadro constant.
With such numerous degrees of freedom, keeping track of the motion of each individual particle becomes untenable, one is therefore forced to combine the use of the laws of mechanics with statistics, to describe the averages and aggregates of physical observables.
And so statistical mechanics was born. At the heart of this subject lies the partition function, which carries all information concerning a macroscopic system in thermal equilibrium. This is today’s topic.
Some good books for your physics reading list :
Here are my affiliated links(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)
►Susskind’s Theoretical Minimum series :
►Landau & Lifshitz series :
►Greiner series :
-Classical Theoretical Physics :
-Theoretical Physics :