OHMA - Strange Radiation - The Causal structure

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It's done, this structure, first identified in 1992/3 by Takaaki Matsumoto is the cause of 'Strange Radiation'
Welcome to the birth of a new science.
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Observation of Meshlike Traces on Nuclear
Emulsions during Cold Fusion
Takaaki Matsumoto (1993) Observation of Meshlike Traces on Nuclear
Emulsions during Cold Fusion, Fusion Technology, 23:1, 103-113, DOI: 10.13182/FST93-A30125
Note in Fig. 5 that the observation of ‘itons’ ceases at about the same distance as Zhigalov established a lack of ‘Strange Radiation’ tracks when studying samples exposed to Dr. Alexander Parkhomov reactors.
Welcome to the birth of a new science.
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Observation of Meshlike Traces on Nuclear
Emulsions during Cold Fusion
Takaaki Matsumoto (1993) Observation of Meshlike Traces on Nuclear
Emulsions during Cold Fusion, Fusion Technology, 23:1, 103-113, DOI: 10.13182/FST93-A30125
Note in Fig. 5 that the observation of ‘itons’ ceases at about the same distance as Zhigalov established a lack of ‘Strange Radiation’ tracks when studying samples exposed to Dr. Alexander Parkhomov reactors.
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