Trust in God | BBSO Music

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Written by Steven Furtick, Chris Brown, Brandon Lake, Mitch Wong
Feat. George Horga Jr.

Orchestration: Ana Niculaș
Mix & Master: Etien Ciurumelea
Video Edit: Adonis Pușcaș
Graphics: Daniel Bondaș


Blessed assurance
Jesus is mine
He's been my fourth man in the fire
Time after time

Born of His Spirit
Washed in His blood
And what He did for me on Calvary
Is more than enough

I trust in God
My Savior
The One who will never fail
He will never fail

Perfect submission
All is at rest
I know the Author of tomorrow
Has ordered my steps

So this is my story
And this is my song
Praising my risen King and Savior
All the day long

I sought the Lord and He heard and He answered
I sought the Lord and He heard and He answered
I sought the Lord and He heard and He answered
That’s why I trust Him
That’s why I trust Him

Рекомендации по теме

What a great song and music combination very beautiful may God bless you all ❤️🙏


F frumos!! George Horga Jr., ai o voce prin care Dumnezeu vindeca suflete! Fii binecuvântat și mult folosit de Domnul în continuare!!


So grateful for the opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus through music in English with our church! Amazing to see how worship can unite hearts across the world. By God's grace, soon Romanian worship music translated and sung in English! May this song be a blessing!


I don’t speak Romanian but your worship in Romanian is a blessing to me, what a nice surprise to also hear you worship in English! Praise the Lord for the gifts He has given your worship team! Blessings from Cluj!


Va dura până ce va ajunge pagina asta virală în întreaga lume …
Foarte frumos ce faceți !


Frumos Plăcut şi Superb ( Bravo-bravo )💫💯💖⭐💖💯Stimă, Respect şi Sincere Admiraţii. 🍒😋🍒Jesus Loves You 🌈💫🌠🙏✝️🙏🌠


God bless BBSO
What an amazing song
God bless you George


I can’t wait to see what new songs you will release next! Your music always resonates with me, and I’m excited to hear what’s coming. God bless you all for your hard work and creativity!
