School Systems: Montessori School - Pro & Con

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There are many different educational philosophies, ideas and methods out there in the world. It can be confusing at times, because following one or more of these is also a personal preference. I want to look at some of the different philosophies over a series of vlogs (not all in a row though, just to give a heads up). Let’s start with Montessori.

A Montessori education is student led and self paced. It is not “taught” but is rather guided and assessed by teachers. This philosophy appeals to, rather than fights against the nature of children. For example, if your child needs to move while learning then let them.

Here are some of the fundamentals of Montessori:

Experiential learning - by doing rather than by memorizing facts. Concrete materials are used, like wooden cutouts of letters and numbers.
Mixed aged classrooms - they are also mixed skill levels. Younger children learn from observing the older, and the older ones solidify their learning from teaching the younger ones.
No “Set lessons” with time constraints - rather than having a 20-30 minute lesson on one subject and then moving on, there are blocks of time to learn which enables all subjects to be covered.
Practical and sensory education is also important, not just academics.
Educating the whole child - physical, spiritual, social, mental and emotional.
Individualized curriculum - group lessons are not taught but rather one-on-one according to your child’s ability, level and needs.
Prepared environment - designed with everything the children need to explore and learn independently.

If you're new here my name is Michayla Best and I want to thank you for watching this video. I'm a wife, mother & teacher who also ran an elementary and middle school. My passion is to see children growing up and succeeding in life. On this channel, I want to share what I know about education and raising children as a tool for parents.


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I've been looking for a non-biased, informative video on Montessori for a while and this was perfect! I didn't want to see one that was bashing on conventional schooling or holding Montessori on a pedestal so this video was extremely helpful.


As a child I went to Montessori school from pre-k to 5th grade I loved it and watching these vids I see how grateful I am that I went to Montessori as an adult


For me, as a Head Start alumni it will always be the best. I'm middle age now and remember when I was in Head Start. It was a pleasant experience as they prepared me to transition into elementary school and for life in general. So I can say as an alumni it was the best choice for me and my sister. We had a couple of our birthday parties there. We had fond memories of Head Start and are big supporters of it. I don't have kids but if I did would put them in Head Start! Also my mom was a Head Start teacher at the time and we got older she would let me and my sister help her with projects for the little ones. I loved it!


My 10 year old son has consistently struggled in school.. he seems to not be able to focus properly and is getting bad grades.. it also doesn’t help that the school system here in Toledo oh in my opinion is being overwhelmed by kids who constantly pick and bully other kids. My son is a very well mannered respectful kid, but refuse to be bullied. I feel we have ran out of options around the area, and I feel guilty that we are sending him into a war zone everyday so to speak. we are starting to notice that his self esteem is taking a blow, and my heart aches for him.. he doesn’t deserve it 😞. His teachers are fed up with the kids picking on him so he just gets told to deal with it if he complain… a co worker suggested a Montessori and that’s what brings me here….. I wrote all this to say thanks for the video and to ask for guidance and prayers… thank u


My fiance and I are on the fence about how we plan on going about our daughter's education. Public school is out of the question as are religion based private schools. We don't want her to deal with school shooting drills/lockdowns, crappy public school curriculums, religious indoctrination and classism. We're looking at homeschool or Montessori schools. I've been having a hard time to find a good video about it that isnt biased but this one did the trick. Thank you so much!


I just love how you explained Montessori. I've been a Montessorian Guide for almost 9 years and this is great!
I love the Montessori way.


as a montessorian here in the UK I was very eager to hear your views of the method as it's one I am very passionate about. I was really impressed by how balanced you were. even in the UK it can definitely be a pricey option for parents with young children, however its slowly changing and more government funded settings are opening now which is fantastic as I really believe its a gift for the children. I also feel it can work for children who need more adult guided learning but I agree its probably not the most suitable method.


I love it! Thanks for sharing and being so open. I felt as if we are having a nice friendly chat over a cup of coffee. Lovely objective opinion and encouragement for parents to be pro active and learn about Montessori at home. There is so much info available. Sharing the video right away!


Could you please turn (automatic) subtitles on for those of us with a disability? We also wanna learn.


I am in the process of writing a paper about Montessori vs. traditional schooling, and your video popped up, am very happy, it helps a lot. Thanks much.


What about gifted kids? What educational approach should be considered? There is so little info out there for gifted kids. I would love to see you making a video about that.

Thank you for always bringing great content!!


I work in special education and there are times where we let the child figure out things on their own and times where they need assistance. I use my special education knowledge in general education as well. I don't think that any one method is what you should go with. I don't agree with a lot of Montessori ideology, but I do believe that the kids are born with the desire to learn. I use prompting and special tools in the classroom, but I also at times watch and wait to see what they try before correction. I would not use Montessori to it's entirety, but I'd certainly take bits and pieces and utilize that.


Lovely video. I have a question. Because in Montessori there’s no exams or homework, how do you prepare the child for the transition to a traditional one where he will have to deal with exams and homework? Thanks!


Best explanation of Montessori technique ever!


My three are extremely smart my 5 year old has been reading since 4 and she wasn’t even in school yet. My oldest ones geniuses at math but always was getting in trouble for walking around and being touchy and distracted but if you ask them educational questions while playing they get them all right. They just can’t learn sitting in a chair all day.


I think about structure Montessori classes are really full of structure but maybe shorter work periods directed learning and scheduling is what you meant by that which is not in Montessori but i get it to encourage a child who has not had freedom within thier learning and need to slowly learn how to learn with projects that the teacher has arranged is possible. However i believe it is better for us to learn how to handle boredom and be able to look for something to do with what is available, obviously with guidence, in comparison to relying on someone telling you what information you should remember to pass tests leading you to be drowning in the responsibility of your often education in university and in real life day to day as an adult even to manoeuvre relationships. I think that ws a missed difference that there is almost no testing system in Montessori.

There is far too much that every child needs from Montessori. Growing up with autism i wish i had this approach to education instead of what i had. I know i haf more potential but my energy wad just put into learning things but also just staying within what i needed to pass the year learning in life was just for school that's also something i think is different in Montessori a child learns from waking up to falling sleep and even brain development within sleep.


Wow, Great insight and information. Looking forward to the next video


And what if you make schools better on a government level and make them all Montessori (mostly ish)? I experience - like almost anyone I've ever met - that most schools are places where you have to sit still and listen all day, hence all the 'problem' childs popping up everywhere, but during the summerbreak its all 'gone'. If your child needs structure, Montessori can also give that. The whole place is about structure, its all about how you fill in your role as a teacher as well. Education falls and rises with a good teacher, in any system... But..., you are with two people in the classroom!! A luxery maybe, but its a way to make sure the education of the future is good and humane, instead of the 'rank & yank' system that is being forced upon children everywhere around the world.

A young teacher from the Netherlands, who hates and loves education :S

I hope those two 'minor' cons you were talking about will get fixed in the future. I went to a primary Montessori school, it was privileged and around 450 euro a year. But a government stepping in can do a lot of good, at least thats the situation we have here in NL.


I want to use montessorian method for my baby, could you recommend a course that I could take so I'd have a plan/schedule to follow. Thank you


So Amazing!Teach children montessori way is really good! manufacture
