bimbo to himbo: the history of a beautiful idiot 🧠🐕💖

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whether you love them or hate them, there's no denying that bimbo's and himbo's are one of hollywood's most popular tropes. but do you know how they got their start? today we took a look at the creation of the clueless characters and how they've become iconic. who are your favorite bimbo's and himbo's?

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I love Cher from Clueless and Elle Woods because they show that you can be incredibly feminine, love fashion, care about your appearance, and like "stupid, girly things" but still be kind, smart, and impactful. Especially in the case of Elle, who had so many people be outwardly mean to her, but she always responded with grace.


I believe the Himbo MUST have all of these three attributes: big muscular, dim witted AND have a heart of gold. Without the third one he is just a jock


Brendan Frazier is THE himbo icon of the 90’s and you cannot change my mind. His early filmography was almost entirely comprised of lovable himbos


Love the fact that the "bimbo" is meant to be innocent and stupid, yet incredibly gorgeous. No creepy indications whatsoever.


The Himboifciation of Fred from Scooby Doo is by fair the best! This is even present in the more current day animation and played into, just based on some of the clips I see online.


I love that you approach fashion with such an academic approach. More feminine aspects of culture are often overlooked parts of history, so I’m glad they are getting the attention they deserve.


My favorite himbo is forever prince Edward from Enchanted. I just love James Marsden's portrayal of the character. He's dumb, but loyal and kindhearted, and politely backs off when he realises the damsel in distress he was trying to save, didn't want him to save her anymore.
To me, the himbo has to be buff, stupid and kind. If he's not kind, he's just a jock.


There's a way that optimism often gets called stupidity, and I think this is a big part of where "bimbo/himbo doesn't mean dumb" comes from... plus the whole multiple intelligences thing. Cher in Clueless is clearly smart, but overly optimistic and inexperienced in the world due to growing up in a bubble. I think this optimism is part of why bimbo is being reclaimed; in a world that looks as bleak as ours, optimism can feel refreshing.


I think it's also worth noting that Disney even named the girls/triplets in Beauty and the Beast as The Bimbettes. 😅


I think Sleeping With Other People is a great example of a himbo and bimbo buddy story! They’re both not the brightest and acknowledge their social shortcomings, try to keep each other accountable, and ultimately become better people through their relationship. She learns to want better for herself and he learns to be a better and faithful partner to others.


Could you also say the idea of a male romantic partner ideal of the "Golden Retriever Boyfriend" is an extension of the Himbo?


Himbo Requirements:
Pure of heart
Strong of body
Dumb of ass
I see more and more these days that himbo is regarded as gender neutral. Adora from she-ra, for example, is a girl himbo.


Say what you want, but in animation one of my all time favorite Himbos is Bolin from Legend of Korra. They didn't do nearly enough with him but I did like what they did give me. He's stupid, sweet, loyal, and he does get a sort of power up even! Which not a lot of himbo characters got.


My favorite himbo is actually from a book! I adore Carrot from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. He's classically broad shouldered and strong, but he's also naïve in the sense that he quite sincerely sees people as the best version of themselves. Superficially he misses lots of mean-intentioned sarcasm etc. But on a larger narrative scale, his mind doesn't really make room for evil, and then as a precious result, most people around him can't help but try to behave themselves as HE sees them. He's a marvelous character.


You know you love the Himbo when Hercules, George of the jungle and Kelso were your childhood crushes growing up. Long hair, goofy personality’s a little bit dumb but innocent and sweet with golden retriever energy. Damn …. That’s definitely my cup of tea 😂


I unironically love how thoroughly researched this is


Disney's Hercules is my favorite himbo, so lovable.


My favorite himbo is definitely the iconic Johnny Bravo ❤ Loved that show as a kid


I feel like it really shows the differences between men and women (generally ik this doesnt apply to everyone) that a bimbo is seen as something that men can control whereas the himbo more represents a man who wont try control you. I just feel like that says a lot about cishet relationships


I’m so happy to see Eric Matthew’s included in the himbo lineup
