Dimotika Thessalias, 01

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Από την εκπομπή ''Στην Υγειά μας'' / Σπύρος Παπαδόπουλος / ΝΕΤ /16.06.2007
Greek Folk songs and Dances. Δημοτικά Θεσσαλίας.
Λαογραφικός Χορευτικός Όμιλος Τρικάλων ''Ο ΑΣΚΛΗΠΙΟΣ''.
Τραγούδι: Χρυσόστομος Μητροπάνος
Κλαρίνα: Αλέξανδρος Αρκαδόπουλος και Νίκος Φιλιππίδης.
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Just returned from France, and found this... in the middle of the night, after a long journey, and feeling fresh and alive by the music, the smiles, the dancers, the clothes, I feel new, wanting to join them, yes, let us dance....!!!!
Vive la musique, vive la vie!!


Shalom my Macedonian-Greek girls Adgehs particularly my sweetie Elizabeth Adgeh ( Elohim/the almighty God of our Caucasian/white Hebrew/Hebraist Royal ancestors Royal Shem/Royal Israel has determined it, by neuter's righteous, divine, glorious purpose, order to make you live glorious life you haven't ever lived since humans existed on planet earth, nor you could make it by yourselves anytime in the future as well, consistent with Exodus 23:1-6, 27-28, 31:1-3, Deuteronomy 8:18, Isaiah 46:9-10, 48:17, John 10:10, 16, Acts 19:25, 1st Corinthians 2:7! Consistently, when I, his Melchizedek Dr.Mekbib Adgeh the then " Conscientious" white man, "Nevo/Nebo"/ the prophetic white man Mekbib Adgeh/Mekbib Ghetahun Adgeh/Mek the tomorrow his Melchizedek Dr.Dovid Shem Adam saw my sweetie Elizabeth Adgeh dancing in the video clip, Elohim revealed to myself, I saw herself/her being/ in which I, his Melchizedek Dr.Mekbib Adgeh the then " Conscientious" white man, "Nevo/Nebo"/ the prophetic white man Mekbib Adgeh/Mekbib Ghetahun Adgeh/Mek the tomorrow his Melchizedek Dr.Dovid Shem Adam saw the degraded Israel of Ezekiel 19:1-14. Thus, I wept comforting my sweetie Elizabeth Adgeh my Caucasian/white Hebrew/ Hebraist wife of my righteous covenant Elohim has made, honored, daughter of my Caucasian/ white Hebrew/Hebraist Royal ancestor Royal Israel, part of my sweeties Pemstrojdew Adgehs (consistent with Genesis 2:18, 1st Corinthians 15:45-48, Jeremiah 33:22, Matthew 19:5-9, 2nd Corinthians 11:2, Ephesians 5:31-33, Exodus 23:1-6, Isaiah 32:1, Jeremiah 31:56, Romans 15:12 all of it legally, righteously, in the manner no individual right of any of ours is violated by any of ourselves). Here is how my Macedonian-Greek girl my sweetie Elizabeth Adgeh is Caucasian/white Hebrew/Hebraist Israeli daughter of my Caucasian/white Hebrew/Hebraist Royal ancestor Royal Israel): In 1981, 5741 Hebrew Calendar, 20 Hebraist Era, after I, his Melchizedek Dr.Mekbib Adgeh the then " Conscientious" white man, "Nevo/Nebo"/ the prophetic white man Mekbib Adgeh/ Mekbib Ghetahun Adgeh/Mek the tomorrow his Melchizedek Dr.Dovid Shem Adam cast out send to hell ( Revelation 20:10-15) "African/black ancestorial Gods" of the cursed evil Cush/negros/blacks/ Africans/ Ethiopians/ Eritreans... any who has trace thereof (it is the same year the Muslim disguised Obama negro time bomb of the demonic spirit of the anti-Hebraist world order who came in a form of snake then brainwashed then Eve as well as Adam achieved the fall of them, their descendant humans, their miserable life on earth, physical death... as noted in Genesis 3:2-19, they have died physical death thousands of years ago, for buying into the demonic spirits, Elohim warned not to, in Genesis 2:17 " You shall not give heed/buy into/demonic spirits...", the Muslim disguised Voodoo Duba "Anwar Sadat" the cursed evil cush/Negro/Black/African Satanist who Muslim disguised secretly worships the "African/black" demonic spirits I cast out send to hell ( dusted in hell) in 1973, 5733 H.C. 12 H.E. when I was 12 years of age, most possibly the day of Yomkippur is I, his Melchizedek Dr.Mekbib Adgeh the then " Conscientious" white man, "Nevo/Nebo"/ the prophetic white man Mekbib Adgeh/Mekbib Ghetahun Adgeh/Mek the tomorrow his Melchizedek Dr.Dovid Shem Adam started experiencing a Caucasian/white Hebrew/Hebraist Israeli Royal divine experience in which when Elohim teaches me/ myself a Caucasian/white Hebrew/Hebraist divine lesson, I become absorbed by the Rookah Kodesh ( the spirit of Elohim) thus, though I am not asleep, I am not sensitive to the external environment ( Royal Daniel my Caucasian/white Hebrew/Hebraist Israeli Royal forebrother the descendant of Royal David my Caucasian/white Hebrew/Hebraist Royal ancestor has a similar experience to mine noted in the book of Daniel nevertheless in chapter 10 verse 10 portraying as if the Rookah Kodesh (the spirit of Elohim) molests the believers of Elohim, it is 100% fabrication by then " Church fathers, some of the sages" blaspheming Elohim, blaspheming neuter's Rookah Kodesh ( the spirit of Elohim) not purifiable, cleansable sin Leviticus 24:16, Isaiah 36-37, Matthew 12:31, 26:60-66). things being so about, I have another Caucasian/white Hebrew/Hebraist Israeli American experience the very year in which I averted my British American ethnic relative from Virginia state from failing as fighting against the anarcho-communist Satanist spirited Ethiopians/Eritreans...any who has trace thereof. It is the time Elohim revealed to myself how I protected my Shemite North American from Nuclear attack to be launched from Cuba, the Kennedys ( my German-British American ethnic relatives has no timely information about in 1963, 5723 H.C. a year and 9 months H.E.)! Yeah, it is also I have averted my Caucasian/white Hebrew Israeli ethnic relatives in then transitional Jewish state of Israel, from being defeated by the cursed evil cush/negro/black/African/ Ethiopian/Eritrean.. any who has trace thereof Voodoo Duba "Anwar Sadat" as well as the dupe Assad of Syrian "Arab" Caucasian/white Hebrew descendant of Royal Abraham/Royal Shem ( my Caucasian/white Hebrew/Hebraist Royal ancestors) unaware army! It is all consistent with my divine vision in which I wept for my Caucasian/white Hebrew Israeli ethnic relatives (my Italians as well as Judah) war waged in 70 "A.D." (Akhbar Yomholedet Yeshua Psam 2:7, John 1:1, 14, Isaiah 9:6-7, Micah 5:2, Revelation 1:8, 14 the white blonde). either in 1963, 5723 H.C. 2 H.E. when I was 2 years of age or in 1964, 5724 3 H.C. 3 H.E. when I was 3 years of age, after I saw in my divine vision Deuteronomy 33:7 the unicorn Elohim revealed to myself in 1973, 5733 H.C. 12 H.E. goring Judah ( my Caucasian/white Hebrew/Hebraist Israeli Royal father the religious zealot)!Things being so, I notice, I was seated on a chair listening to a Caucasian/ white Hebrew/ Hebraist message broadcasted in a radio placed on a table infront of myself, physically leaning to, I relaxed myself with) as I was listening ( Most possibly it is my supreme form of Bilocation/ Multilocation experience I might have been to Mt. Moriah, city of Royal ruler David. and it is where I listened the divine Caucasian/ white Hebrew/Hebraist message before in which Daniel the day of Yomkippur who attacked my Caucasian/white Hebrew Israeli, Caucasian/white Hebrew/ Hebraist Israeli ethnic relatives as they are worshipping the God of Royal Israel /The God of Israel/ in the temple/ Synagogue, yet the "Quran, Hadith" Prophet Mohammad my Caucasian/ white Hebrew ethnic relative descendant of Royal Abraham the Shemite ( my Caucasian/white Hebrew/ Hebraist Royal ancestor) has written consistent in the entire chapters says, the God of Israel/the God of Royal Israel/ is the almighty God! Thus, it is Elohim who smote dead Voodoo Duba "Anwar Sadat " consistent with Isaiah 36-37 ! Consistently, in 1977, 5737 H C. 16 H.E. my Caucasian/white Hebrew Israeli Caucasian/white Hebrew/ Hebraist Israeli ethnic relatives didn't dance welcoming Voodoo Duba "Anwar Sadat". Instead, they danced in anticipation of our Shemite Planetary, universal Kingdom I am in charge of it ( my Numbers 24;17, 2nd Samuel 7:10-13, Isaiah 11:1-7, 12, 19:23-25, Daniel 2:44, 7:13-14, 27, 8:25...) having sat on the planetary Royal throne since January 1961, 1st shvat 5721 H.C. 1st Shvat 1st month, 1st H.E. (the day I, his Melchizedek Dr.Mekbib Adgeh the then " Conscientious" white man, "Nevo/Nebo"/ the prophetic white man Mekbib Adgeh/Mekbib Ghetahun Adgeh/Mek the tomorrow his Melchizedek Dr.Dovid Shem Adam am born in Mesopotamia in Royal Shem's Royal palace, where the first tabernacle of Elohim exists even at the very moment Genesis 8:20-22) many have knowledge thereof, from my divine visions, supreme form of bilocation/Multilocation Caucasian/white Hebrew/Hebraist Israeli American Royal experiences I have during then. Consistently, now it has become the reality, if you watch at TOLGACOANITUILHREAA @youtube.com:(1) THE ONLY SOLUTION OF THE MIDDE EAST THE DIVINE, IS MINE. …./2






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