Gift Card Merchant App - Voucher Redemption Thru Member App

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The 2nd way, which is showing in this tutorial video, is by scanning the voucher redemption QR code generated on the Member App.

There are 5 types vouchers available to create and set up,
1. Welcome voucher, for new register member. System assigns the voucher to the member immediately during registration.

2. Birthday voucher, for member's birthday. System assigns the voucher to the member on member's birthday month.

3. All Member voucher, for all members. System assigns the voucher to members on next day onward after setup.

4. Generic voucher, for specified member(s). This type of voucher can be used in 2 ways. The first way, assign to member through Referral Programme, and second way is manually assign to member. On second way, this can be done through Batch Voucher Assignment, i.e. upload a file containing the assignment details, then system assigns to member after process on next day, or assign it through , in LMS web portal, go into member profile then assigns voucher to member.

5. Catalogue voucher, for online catalogue uses. Voucher created under this category, will be listed as one of the voucher option, when creating online catalogue item.

#RedeemVoucher #TebusBaucar #使用奖卷

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PointzMatter Member App, a wallet supporting multiple cards, allowing member to take photo of receipt to get reward, to update member details, change PIN, to check account balance and transaction history, get to know latest promotions and available vouchers, is freely available at Google Play, Huawei AppGallery and Apple App Store.

#LoyaltyProgram #ProgramGanjaran #奖励计划 #忠诚计划
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