Jarosław Duda - Topological charges with electromagnetic + gravitomagnetic interactions

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HyperComplex Seminar 2023, Session B1 (Physics: Ontology of Quantum Mechanics)
Abstract. In liquid crystals they experimentally obtain topological charges with long-range e.g. Coulomb-like interactions. It brings question how far can we take its resemblance with particle physics. I will talk about such looking promising approach based on Landau-de Gennes model, with EM-like Lagrangian interpreting field curvature as dual EM field (Faber's approach). This way Gauss law counts topological charge for its quantization, also thanks to Higgs-like potential regularizing charge to finite energy in agreement with the running coupling effect. Then there appear further particle-like topological defects, like topological vortices with knots resembling baryons (e.g. having proton lighter than neutron), and nuclei knotted against Coulomb repulsion. Extending to 4D field adding boosts, their dynamics turns out governed by second set of Maxwell equations for gravity.
Abstract. In liquid crystals they experimentally obtain topological charges with long-range e.g. Coulomb-like interactions. It brings question how far can we take its resemblance with particle physics. I will talk about such looking promising approach based on Landau-de Gennes model, with EM-like Lagrangian interpreting field curvature as dual EM field (Faber's approach). This way Gauss law counts topological charge for its quantization, also thanks to Higgs-like potential regularizing charge to finite energy in agreement with the running coupling effect. Then there appear further particle-like topological defects, like topological vortices with knots resembling baryons (e.g. having proton lighter than neutron), and nuclei knotted against Coulomb repulsion. Extending to 4D field adding boosts, their dynamics turns out governed by second set of Maxwell equations for gravity.