What is Carnet de Passage?

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I'm Liisu, a 27 year-old doctor from Estonia and in December 2021 I quit my job to travel the world. In August 2022 we will start the travels from Europe to Japan overland in our van and for that we need a document called Carnet de Passage.

What countries have an office for Carnet de Passage:
Specific border-crossing and country-specific information for overlanders:
Central-Asia and Stan-countries guide on driving etc

If wondering whether driving through Iran is possible without a Carnet de Passage then YES it is possible but requires even more work and is altogether a little more expensive when taking into account that Carnet's deposit is refundable. But if more than one country requires a Carnet then there is no going around it.

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Wow! We had no idea, but are grateful you have shared this with us, we are most appreciative of this information, thank you very much.


Respect that you handled it!
Even Canadian overlanders described the process of getting cpd as a "pain in the ass."


Thank you for the video! I am actually living in Estonia and am planning to travel to Pakistan on my motorcycle but couldn't find much information about the Carnet de Passage.


first of all buy it inAustralia NOT the UK or EU its only charge of $300 or just don't go in to the countries need it the ones in Yellow go to the border and ask temow much for a charge across simple its they are trying to get rid of it now it is pathetic or if on a motorbike just go to India or china and buy it then dothe travel and ignore the ornage parts
