Financial Crimes Unit To Help Donald Trump-Russia Investigation | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

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Rachel Maddow reports that with the Trump-Russia investigation expanding into Donald Trump's businesses, the Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network has agreed to share important information with investigators.

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Financial Crimes Unit To Help Donald Trump-Russia Investigation | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
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The fact that he was allowed to fire the man who was investigating him is troubling to me.


Why are some citizens afraid of knowing the truth? Facts are facts, if their is nothing, nothig will happen.


Keep up the Good work investigating Trump and his administration. Good work Rachel!!


OMG, he's going to get a pass on his behavior. I'm moving to Canada


If you are Republican, Democrat or independent how can you put anything above country. We pledged allegiance to our flag and country.


I live in LasVegas and have worked in the Casino Cashier's cage.  I am totally familiar with the financial crimes unit and how strict the laws are governing money laundering. When they say dot every "i" and cross every "t" you take that literally and comply!


Maybe after this, people will care more about all the various parts of the DOJ and just how important all these government agencies are.


Excellent job.
You are figuring it out.
Connect the dots.
Keep on digging.
Stay focused, pay attention.
You're awesome.
Keep on moving forward democrats.


tax returns, tax returns, tax returns, lest we forget, raycharles maddow


Watching this Comedy from the UK on a daily basis and I still can't keep up with all the crazy stories that keep coming out from this administration...all my Netflix box sets have been put on hold for months! I'm sorry but Trump is seriously addictive TV! He must be so happy with his ratings right now!


Im a nobody from NJ and we all knew that after a few bankruptcies his money started coming from Russia. This is a a cover up when people around the casinos knew and saw the influx of Russians in the casinos, how difficult can it be to follow the money... this is all a big stall...


Thank you, Ms Maddow, Chris Hayes, Steve Benen and TRMS-Team! The chaos in this Administration is only incrementally worse. It's been there from the outset, with the new President's first executive order instructing federal officials to stop enforcing extant law. An AG acting more like the Minister of the Interior for a rogue state than America's top officer of the law; an Education Secretary whose sole qualification seems to be touting for and profiting from so-called charter schools with a "reputation" rivaling Trump University's, and a penchant for teaching the Bible in our schools; a Secretary of State acting more like a Minister for Foreign Commerce than a policy partner of the President; a billionaire Treasury Secretary and erstwhile Soros partner who's been sued for prejudicial mortgage politics and automated foreclosure practices that topped the industry; a Secretary of HUD whose sole qualification is, what, TV exposure (?); a Secretary of HHS who's been implicated in illegal industry stock transactions on both the buying and selling side; an Administrator for that mainstay of America's Commerce, small businesses, whose claim to fame is CEO of the WWE (pro wrestling); an EPA-Administrator with countless suits against the agency he heads under his belt; a Secretary of Labor who lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee in the Schlozman case; a Secretary of Agriculture whose sole "agricultural" experience is (sub)urban development, illegally profiting from property sales and tax benefits, and accepting gifts and campaign contributions not permissible under the law; the list could go on and on, all with info in the public domain. This administration's incessant, brazen lies have simply extended the empty campaign promises they conned their voters with last year, from crowd sizes and Conway's "alternative facts, " through the bait-and-switch of the strikes on Syria and Afghanistan, the refused divestment and withheld tax returns, the illegal nepotism and corruption involving Jared and Ivanka, the impediments placed in the way of the investigations into Trump's ties to Russia (Nunes, Ryan), which I have been certain of since the emasculation of the campaign plank on the Ukraine last July, culminating in Trump's own exposure of the false narrative about Comey's dismissal on national TV. Now we hear that Ryan and McConnell are both implicated in the RICO case emerging from Putin's assault on our democracy, just as I am sure that Mnuchin, as Trump's campaign finance manager, was fully aware of the foreign money pouring in from Putin and his cut-outs. Please keep following the money! That, if anything, will help us through this infernal mess. Sincerely, Eb Hoene


Media speculation is the response to the continual actions of the President and his staff. Donald Trump is making himself look guilty and the administration's inability to communicate a cohesive message, is sorely lacking.


bu bu bu he sent a CERTIFIED letter!!!!


That's odd, I have listened to the Trump interview a couple times and heard multiple news sources comment or it. But only Rachel could report that it as a confession from Trump to try to slow down it stop the investigation. But I guess I should not question it, I mean after all it was Rachel's brilliant insight that told us that Trump would! never win and lets not forget her stellar report on his taxes. And as long there is the Times and the Post we can always look forward to this brilliant reporting


Rachel, you are a smart cookie. Keep up the good work.


I'm so glad the Internet remembers more than any news paper or evening news could.


You should receive a medal when this investigation is over.


Definitely an independent special prosecutor is required and overdue. But who? I hear that James Comey not only available but very experienced and I am willing to go out on a limb and say, highly motivated.


Politicians are supposed to work for the people. But all of them have forgotten that. 💔
