Trump Lawyer INCRIMINATES Himself On Camera

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"Conservative Claremont Institute lawyer John Eastman made an "incredibly damning" admission in a new video, a former federal prosecutor explained on CNN on Wednesday.

The House select committee investigating the U.S. Capitol insurrection expected to hand down another subpoena today, this time for John Eastman, a conservative lawyer who worked with former President Trump's legal team," CNN's Erica Hill reported.

The committee says Eastman tried to convince then Vice President Pence that he could overturn — overturn — the election results which, of course, Pence could not, legally, and ultimately decided not to do," CNN's Jim Scuitto said. "But now, in a conversation, caught-on-camera by a Democratic activist posing as a Trump supporter, Eastman admits — admits — on tape that was indeed the plan."


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A failed coup without consequences isn't a failure, it's practice.


She articulated that very well. It makes me want to pack up and get out of the country for a decade or two and watch this thing unfold from afar.


People with these lawyers have fools for clients.


What Nixon did is chicken feed,
compared to what Trump and his side kicks have done and got away with.


INCRIMINATED!!! What will happen to him? I'd wager NOTHING.


So THIS is why they hate Pence, all of a sudden...



Why don't these people understand how EVIDENCE works? How do so many of them have law degrees and STILL not know?


How would have the US or the world reacted if Pence had actually done it? It would have been total chaos!


Yeah, nothing to do with the US Constitution, just because Pence is an 'establishment' guy. And because he's from flyover country it's okay for him to try to help overthrow the US government! This guy should immediately be disbarred and the bar association should take ever punitive step possible.


Can't wait to see trump cry about the interior color of his cell...


We can all admit that this won’t mean anything ultimately, right?


Greetings Ana and Cenk!
One thing that I find disturbing about the insurrectionists, is that some of them were members of the law enforcement community, and that the committee investigating doesn’t seem to be taking that much into consideration, there is also a percentage of law enforcement personnel that have been avoiding getting vaccinated along with a number of Fire Department personnel, and they are willing to loose their positions to avoid being vaccinated, which is absurd considering that their job requires them to come into contact with so many people with unknown conditions. I have gotten the impression that they are only doing so because their candidate of choice lost the election, and they are taking their ball and going home with it. Fortunately, we have no use for people like that serving us in our law enforcement agencies or in our emergency response agencies either.
If you think it is good for the community, for the virus 🦠 to continually be spread around with no restrictions in place, then there is no way that you take public safety seriously. I am fairly certain that if the political landscape was reversed, those same people would have already been vaccinated a long time ago. The virus 🦠 doesn’t take sides, and is only interested in spreading itself around, it could care less about anyone’s political affiliations.
As far as those who were involved with organizing the insurrection, they all need to held accountable, it has been the most treasonous event to ever cast it’s shadow upon our democracy since this nation was founded, and it deserves to be treated as such, and all parties involved should be fully prosecuted, and those who serve in Congress that have had a hand in the planning of the insurrection all need to be removed from office and impeached, they are only interested in obstructing our democracy from thriving. It’s obvious who is being obstructive, and it is also obvious who is leading the “Republican” agenda. The ex-president has been campaigning ever since 2015, and he will continue on until he is prosecuted or he has been re-elected in 2024.
Thank you for posting these videos!
Please have an excellent and awesome day! ☀️✨


Trump accidentally lawyer incriminates himself


Americans wonder how coups happen in other countries. Well you almost saw it happen here and could still in the future. Keep on battling against Trumpism. Stay vigilant. Vote!


It's hard to differentiate between those offering s**t and those eating it up. It's the absurdity of early fascism.


Sounds like a loophole that needs closed before the next presidential election.


I seldom (never) post on political channels, but I just have to commend Ana and John for your clear articulation of the deep trouble this society is in.

I'm old enough to have experienced the short-lived elation, hope and optimism of the Kennedy administration and the Great Society. I was in elementary school, but people my age all remember. We were finally going to fix the world. We were going to eliminate, racism, poverty, pollution and establish, by example, a truly democratic world order in the best sense of the term. This was before Vietnam and Watergate - both of which were Republican in origin. People tend to forget that JFK and LBJ did Vietnam because of pressure from the extreme right. They didn't want to, especially LBJ. LBJ only cared about getting the Great Society through, regardless of whatever deal with the devil he Had to strike. So, , the Republican ecosystem, from Barry Goldwater to Nixon, Reagan, Bushes, waving the flag and screaming about one nonexistent threat after another (Communists, socialists, brown folks, terrorists) really are the root of all these problems. They've always had better marketing.

So, from my perspective, we have already fallen a long long way. But Ana, your remarks of today are the clearest warning bell I've heard so far. They're spot on, and incredibly perceptive for someone who is too young to have had firsthand experience of Pax Americana.

Unfortunately, I share your pessimism.


Now we know the real truth behind why Trump is so angry at Mike Pence!!🤣🤣


I'm glad you guys are staying on top of this. #1/6willneverforget


And yet trump is still a free man. Why is he not in prison?
