Caravan Palace - Melancolia (Official Music Video)

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When you gotta social distance but do it gracefully


This is it. This is why I'm taking animation for college. It's been hard, but I need to remember beautiful works such as this, and work harder.


Damn, cool animations and Caravan Palace, my two favorite things


Besides the obviously spectacular art style, the rotoscoped bits were also fantastic. The animation truly complemented and elevated the song.


This was beautifully done, Kudos to everyone to who worked on it!!


Huge shout outs to animator and director Alina Popescu (Go check @polidott on Instagram or


This music video has lots of meanings in it.

Before I talk about my theory, we have to know that lyrics of ‘melancolia’ means regrets of fallen person. Also, Red and blue contrast were used in previous MV ‘wonderland’ and ‘moonshine’ as ideal and reality. Same metaphor is used on this one, too.

MV of melancolia can be explained by red, blue, purple scenes.

Red: Woman wearing ‘winged clothes’ is spinning and flying around. I think this ‘winged clothes’ is fame from the lyrics. Red scene is showing the ideal time of butterfly woman. But she meets the sun and her ‘winged clothes’ burn. It means her fame has gone and she is falling.

Blue: After woman falls, everything turns blue and Sun became the head of pin stuffing butterflies. She is facing reality after falling from fame. Then woman’s blood makes a puddle also a cocoon. Puddle and cocoon has the same meaning in this MV, place of reborn.

Purple: Now we can guess that purple means going to ideal after facing her reality. Woman’s hand goes up to sun and she reborn with a real ‘wing’. Compare to the red scene, she flied using her clothes before but now she goes up by herself, her ‘winged clothes’ burned in front of sun but her real ‘wing’ does not burn. She became ideal by herself.

Temporary things such as fame, can’t make us go higher, we have to face reality and make ourselves worthy inside. So, from my theory this could be the meaning of this MV. I can’t be sure about my theory, but still I think Caravan Palace and the animators made great effort on this one. Always loving Caravan Palace’s work!!!


That piano riff sends me each and every time. masterpiece.


Melancolia was the name of a cat I loved so much... This song is like a "hi" from the other side... thank you for being her messenger from heaven


This reminds me of Icarus...I think that’s his name. The man that had wax wings and flew too close to the sun...except this time is a gorgeous butterfly woman


Absolutely love the message in this song. The pressure to keep performing, giving it your best, appeasing the fans of your work that keep asking for more while also worrying you've lost that initial flame and it'll all come crashing down.

You haven't lost your flame Caravan Palace. I continue to love every new song of yours <3


So my theory is that this song and the animation is about facing fame, and how it changes your perspective on your creation.
The beginning: aimless flight, the wings are covering the body made of doubt and insecurities.
Burnout Phase: Meeting fame, finding flawes in the art you created
Rebirth: Realising that the creation can not simply be the extension of your being. Your creation- is what you are and vice versa. The true art is born in sacrifice and honesty. Now the wings are as dark at the core as their bearer.


I think this is about depression and recovery. The woman's red wing like garment is damaged and turns blue, and she descends into a world of suffering with the pinned butterflies, but after dissolving and reforming she grows a pair of real wings that are purple- incorporating both the happy red and the sad blue into something more real than the cloth wings she started with. That's how I feel after my depression recovery- that I am stronger and have grown "wings" that incorporate all the parts of me and are more resilient than the old ones.


Everybody talking about the video, which, yes, it is absolutely amazing! BUT the song?? This is a musical masterpiece!!❤


Life is a cycle. A dark beautiful carousel, round and round we go. We dance, We die, We are reborn. Repeat.

At least that's the inspiration I got from this video. ❤️


If the animator never seen somebody's napkin getting blown by a wind, none of this masterpiece wouldve exist


I am obsessed with this, I've listened to it so many times now. The song and the animation are so on point. This celebration of dissolution and destruction and then rebirth is so deeply cathartic.


This song is seriously nothing short of gorgeous, and the music video is just perfection. I always love CaravanPalace's music, it's just that kind of art you can lose yourself in


Wow. This new trailer feature is incredible.


when this is going live i am going to have a virtual class but going to class hasnt ever stopped me from watching these MV
