You Won't Believe How Much Easier This Makes the Golf Swing

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This video is all about the golf swing. I hope you find it useful.

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I needed this vid 30 years ago but better late than never!


What stood out to me were the two reasons golfers stand up. Game changer for me. Went to the range and only focused on rounding my lower back by tucking my hips closer to my chest. Felt awkward but the results were incredible. Looking forward to testing it out in action this Sunday. Fingers crossed


I went out and tried this move and the light 💡 went off in my head. I finally hit the ball more consistently. Thanks again for this video.


Keeping your head steady during transition. Makes so much sense and it’s just one simple feel without getting overly technical. Thanks for the tip


No movement in sport is more difficult than the golfswing, hence the golf instruction industry has perpetual fuel. Don´t just listen to all kind of advice indiscriminately, find out what it means - for you, and prepare yourself for hard work over a long period of time if you really want to improve. Your perception of what a good golfswing is or may be, and what you have to do may change radically throughout such a process. I´ve seen most of Russells videos for the last two years, I have visited him in England, and I am very pleased with his contributions to my progress. Not least because he focuses on the discrepancies there may be between what you think a good golfswing is, what you think you do and what you actually do. And this relates both to actual parts of the golfswing you practice and to the process itself.


6:17 - "... as I pull my LEAD hip BACK" - I call this the "Signature Russell Heritage teaching." When I first discovered Russell's teaching on this from 2018 I literally did NOT understand what I was seeing or hearing. I watched his original video on this very move over and over. When I tried to make my hips do the move, I COULD NOT do it! It NEVER occurred to me that the hips can move somewhat independent of each other, that just because one hip is pulled back DOES NOT mean the other has to come forward (traditional rotation). I stopped everything for weeks, and only worked on VERY slow motion attempts. At first I was doing it wrong, and my lower back hurt a little. I got to the point where I wouldn't even have a club in my hand, and place my hand on my trail hip and force it to stay back while I very slowly pulled the lead hip back to match up. I had to do this over and over hundreds of times, maybe thousands. Then finally my mind accepted this bio-mechanical move and I was able to do it faster. This freed up all that space in front of the pelvis, where my arms could swing through. It took even more time to realize that ONLY AFTER this move does the traditional rotation actually occur. This is what Sammy Snead did as good as anyone. It was Russell who taught me it and it was an a very old Sammy Snead film that confirmed it for me. So the sequence is; Trail hip back, Lead hip back, only then does rotation happen. Of course sequencing the upper body properly with all this is a topic for a different day. It transformed my golf swing. I still do this move for EVERY swing, in practice or play.


I am waiting for a hip replacement before this trouble I was a 7 and a traveling 10. The best tip I ever got was from the local pro at the driving range. Dale told me I was spinning to quickly and losing power. He said try not moving your left hip because it will end up moving through inertia. This kept me centered allowed me to slow the downswing, and almost instantly I was smoking it. I would play 3 times a month and practice maybe 3 times and I dropped to a 7. The point is you are exactly right for a guy like me. Also your right in the vocabulary can make things cloudy. I've been lucky that my putting has always been good. I can hardly wait to get back out there. I will be doing this and I find if I dip my left pec a couple of inches it helps me complete my backswing. Combine the two and it gives me lots of room and time to hit the ball. Thanks for the good lesson or a great reminder that I will think about a lot while recovering . Good job


I used this posture adjustment yesterday and played the best golf for 4 years. Very consistent and effortless swing. Thanks, great tips and channel


Working with Russel 1:1remotely since 3 months after having watched his videos for a while. he moved my golfswing to the better (solid but serious over the top hitter before) in this time more than other teachers in last 20 years ;-) He is the only teacher I found that can take the golf swing apart in the way he does in this video. Single parts, explaining errors and the chain of corrections they cause (and trade-offs of taking different routes rather than "swing the way I do" coaching). Ultimately, he can point out the _very next thing to pay attention to_ rather than getting into explanations of the whole chain and how many things are wrong and why. After _the one thing_ is in place he gets me to the _next thing_ and I see slowly how the whole swing starts to come together. The swing with the "centered reverse K" he kind of shapes felt really, really strange first and the moving up left shoulder (and consequently dropping right) felt like I'll be hitting always fat but with correction to the plane removing most of lateral transition I can stand over any club including iron 4 confidently and whack it solid. Not a full distance yet I had before after 20 years grind, pieces are still missing and it's a long way to go still ;-), but @ completely different level of confidence and consistency than before spending half the energy ;-)


Thanks Russell. This really has helped reduce my in to out path( been hitting lots of pull draws/hooks! ) Nice and simple 👍


Downward facing pelvis is a great swing thought Russel. Because I know what it means. It’s helped me a ton thanks man 👍🏻


Sorry for the long post, but this is so so interesting. And I'm one of those who sent a video to you about a year ago for an online analysis, and got that downward-facing pelvis tip. I've got a couple of questions down below if you get that far. :)

I definitely think this is your most concise and to-the-point video. No messing around, just clear and really thought-through instructions. Super clear. I sort of discovered exactly what you're talking about here with some help from an instructor just recently. I searched and search these past two years, and I am definitely guilty of trying to open up the hips, and all it does is just spinning them out. Before I didn't really know what that meant, now I think I do. When the instructor "allowed" me to *not* focus on clearing the hips and instead pulling or pushing the left hip back and just letting the club fall into place, I was suddenly right on plane, and consistent! An eye-opener!

It's really interesting to hear that you are not using the term downward-facing pelvis anymore. I tried it for a wihle after the online analysis from you! To be honest, I still don't understand it. To me, the fault you are describing between 5:00 and 7:00 in this video looks to be exactly like I would expect "downward-facing pelvis" to look like. So I am sure you meant something else, *or* it's a matter of degrees. People who left their left hip need to keep it more down to prevent sliding?

Also, you mentioned the lead leg should not feel loaded around impact. That was interesting to hear. Is it incorrect to say then that basically all your weight (not mass) should be on the lead leg and that it should strive to extend and push off the ground. When you demo it it looks more like your rotating than pushing off the ground?


Oh Russell - just so simple and efficient! Love the use of language - tilt - and showing why! Also think the “tilt” and rotation of the hips makes it easier to “get” the idea of weight transfer without swaying like a will on in the breeze!


Your videos about hip movement are game-changing for me. Thank you!


This is a very useful video. I follow Russell Heritage´s for quite a long time and I think this one is really brilliant.


Thanks for the drill, going to make a big difference with all my clubs. Bob Moore, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.


Really great tips here. I’ve been struggling with draws or completely slicing straight right, literally. My swing path is waaay off but believe this video is going to get me into a routine of swinging with better mechanics.


As a golfer who has started the downswing from the top for over 20 years, pulling shots left, or laying off and hitting weak pushes, I have tried to fix it to no avail. A few months ago I came accross Clay Ballard on YouTube who advocates similar principles as Russell, but his explanations are not nearly as easy to grasp, and for me were counter-productive. Russell is a true teacher and the way he explains what you should feel in the swing make a huge difference. Just by watching some of his vids and practicing the new feels in my living room, and then on the practice range for a few sessions, I shot a 76 two days ago hitting nice draws all the way. Russell - you are a genius and I will look you up for in-person instruction when I get to England one of these days.


Really owe you 😊....these i was trying to figure out how u're able to clear the lead leg without spining the hips gosh ....I really appreciate for ur time n patience 🙏😊


This was excellent! It clearly identifies a swing fault of mine. That is, too much hip action trying to 'clear.' It results in shoulder shifting rather than rotating on a tilt.
