Why things get WORSE before they get BETTER when you're manifesting!

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Today we're going in-depth into why sometimes things get worse before they get better when you're manifesting! I illustrate this important part of manifestation by giving you one of my personal struggle/success stories. I know it will inspire you and remind you that you DO create your reality and you simply need to mentally prepare yourself for temporary "bumps" along the road as you purge old story stuff. Enjoy! 💓

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It’s like when you quit eating junk food and you start getting pimples because your body is getting rid of the junk - it’s a purge


I basically told myself there were no rules in manifesting and that my feelings negative or positive were not going to matter. I will still get what I want. And it was way better than anything Neville Goddard ever said


This actually works the same way in the recovery world. When working on yourself and recovering from any addiction seems to get worse before it gets better.


Right now, this sucks, and it feels like crap... But it means nothing. Feelings are sensations in the body, feel them. Cry if you need to. But remember, its apart of the process. Its just the old story playing itself out. Dont let those feelings send you back to the old reality. Keep persisting in the knowing. Great video 🥰 great confirmation. You explain things so clearly and i live for it. Yes, mind over matter. Teach your body who's boss


A video on impatience would also be great! I see that many times when I'm 'pausing' my manifestation is not so much because I don't believe it will happen, but that I feel it will take too long/how is it 'ever going to happen' and thinking like that is frustrating so you kinda give up for a while. Navigating impatience is something I would really like to hear your take on


For me, my fear is "what if all this manifestation, revision, attraction talk is just a lot of crap?". A lack of faith in myself and my power to be the creator of my own universe. And I saw evidence that I revised and shifted today, but there's a part of me that's trying to gaslight myself. I believe that maybe in searching out and interrogating all of the arguments against manifestation and finding some of the ways in which those refutations have been refuted, I can stop being held hostage by my analytical mind, which has enabled my survival in the past and now feels like a little tyrant telling me what's real and what's not, trying to negate my intuition, and keeping me stuck in fear based patterns. I will manifest the integration of my skepticism and allow it to work with, rather than against, my intuition. We can't throw our critical thinking skills out the window, but we have the power to integrate them into a broader framework that works toward our higher consciousness. I think a lot of this has to do with emotional trauma I experienced in academia, and I need to manifest healing that, too.


I did a SATs scene of general happiness a few weeks ago, and my partner woke me up at 3 in the morning to what I thought was a waking nightmare. His Dad’s neighbor (he lives in a townhouse type place) had burned down and he had to be evacuated due to water/smoke damage to his place and adjoining areas. I was like WAIT WHAT IS THIS?! As a person who tends to be a huge worry wort and catastrophic thinker in my past, I was pretty incredulous at the result of seeing everyone smiling and happy in my sats scene, then this happening. To be very clear, my partner’s Dad is extremely extroverted, positive, optimistic and a happy man. I think he missed his calling as a motivational speaker actually lol. So to make this long story short, I kept on affirming everything always works out for me and everyone around me etc How the silver linings worked out were incredible. He stayed in a beautiful hotel paid in full by the insurance company, (then switched over to his sisters house), got a massive check from them as well. He’s getting new paint, carpet, flooring, furniture. A huge check just for clothing/shoes. Vouchers for restaurant food/groceries. His friend treated him to a couple nights at a nice casino, and he won a small jackpot. I could go on and on. Plus my partner took care of a lot of things for him, and I helped him as much as I could. He actually paid us for our time, something I never expected or thought of as wanting compensation at all. So yes, it can be scary to see things get worse, but you must keep on persisting!


That was a breakthrough for me when you said that “ this is my new reality I will now change from what I really wanted to this new reality of fear” it’s like you think your manifestation is not working, but you’re really, in that moment of fear giving up your manifestation, instead of just riding the wave through until it arrive at what you wanted in the first place. Thanks for that insight.


"Buckle down...get through this...not let pain...change my knowing of my direction" <--- 100%! Can't say it any better. Thank you!


Perfect timing. I just last night had a deep feeling that perhaps I should just give up on my SP because it’s been YEARS and I just can’t seem to let go of the old story around him/us. It was messed up because I had recently had some breadcrumbs of “I’ve got this, it’s happening!” But I paused at the failure/setback after the forward motion. And I really am stuck in the suffering. I don’t want this anymore. I’m gonna take a minute to feel it and trust that this time will be different because of this purge.


Your nails are matching your shirt again! I feel like balance has been restored 🙌🏾💙.


Your approach to processing your "issue" or fear, is so logically explained, that anyone can grasp this concept. You take the nebulous mystique out of the (how to) "manifestation" and make it within one's reach, even for the resistant.


I completely relate to this! It feels like everything is getting worse right now, but deep down, I know it’s just the universe preparing me for my desires to unfold. It’s like the final storm before the calm. I can sense that something great is on the horizon, and I truly believe my commitment is just around the corner. Trusting the process and staying focused on my manifestation journey, knowing that things will get better soon!


I always feel like I’m sitting here with a big sister that’s telling me everything I needed to hear ❤ Truly enjoy watching your videos!


I AM SOOO SOOO Glad I found you. I wanna CRY❤❤❤❤❤


I’m going through a pretty rotten period now and was shamed on someone on Reddit on a Neville Goddard subreddit that just because I was “triggered” I don’t believe in the law and need more “inner work.” I’ve been doing inner work for years now and my personal circumstances have me in the lowest point. I still believe in manifesting but thank you for this video because nothing has changed in my reality, the Doubting Thomas in me is fully in charge from manifesting an SP and money I really need right now. And that Redditor didn’t help by telling I wasn’t trying hard enough. I’ve heard that from coaches for years and am sick of it. It’s just blaming and shaming.

It’s getting better with breath work but I still feel in the physical grip of something really sad and it’s been a daily struggle. Thank you for this video because I think the suffering is because I hate the suffering not because of the circumstances themselves.


I finally give up. The sp manifestation has taken a toll on me. I have been severely depressed for the past 2 months. I usually bounce back better after every breakup but this one is bringing me down. I've accomplished a lot and I've changed for the better, but I don't feel genuinely okay. It feels like I just put on a different shell. I've become mentally more resilient. I don't think my past self could make it out alive like I do now. But that's what's I'm doing: just stay alive. I'm dragging myself through things I'm supposed to do. Deep inside I feel like dying.

So I give up. It's supposed to be effortless and enjoyable. To me it's a torture. Negative thoughts, I know I have to let them be to release them. But it's so draining to watch them in and out every single day. I've been waking up with emptiness and the loss of will to live. I've tried everything, done it all. Now I let the Universe take care of the rest. I need help and a break from it all before it kills me.


Thank you! I feel like this is the worst it’s been and it does make you want to give up. I have had to think to the past and why I want what I’m manifesting. This popped up when I needed it. X


I love this explanation about the manifestation process, the part when things start to go wrong is just a sign that it's all working, but your talking about emotions and not things out their going wrong like the washing machine breaking for example, I've never heard anyone explain that emotions can 'go wrong' too and now it all makes sense lol. I'd always manifest then so far in, this same crap would pop up, every time, which is no coincidence is it, now I'm aware I can see that! As you put it I was still taking the bait and because of that, I was manifestijg more of what I don't want because I was back to being in the crap so that was my manifestation point, instead of being in the version of already having it, ie manifesting from the point of want I do want and not what i dont want. Now I know how to move past it and carry on because I know what is happening. Thank you 😊x


😮 THIS!!! THIS IS THE ONE. I THOUGHT I WAS ALONE. I won't tell a tale, I've been watching your channel since you started in the beginning, whether I agreed with you or not bc I saw past my own limiting beliefs and wanted to hear a different opinion HOWEVER as you've grown I've watched ME GROW! AND ITS THE AUTHENTICITY FOR ME! You can hear the realness in your voice. You are a real person. SO Much MORE than a coach and I just want to say Thank You. Thank you for sharing, thank you for explaining the good, bad, ugly and indifferent AND NOT JUST THE FLUFF. WE NEED MORE YOUS OUT THERE. ❤😊
