Test Automation ROI Explored with Exercises

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I am often asked about ROI of "automation", "this tool", "exploratory testing". In this video I explain some of my thoughts about ROI and provide an exercise to allow you to explore your thoughts and beliefs about ROI.

## Exercise: Ask yourself questions about ROI

ROI is often a default reaction. I encourage you to think it through for yourself.

- Why are you using ROI?
- What is your definition of ROI? Does that match the rest of the world's?
- What do you gain by using ROI?
- What do you lose by using ROI?
- What would happen if you did not use ROI?
- How could you make a decision without using ROI?
- How does using ROI help you make a decision?
- Do you always use ROI? What was different for the situations when you didn't?
- What other questions could you ask yourself about ROI?

And if you don't use ROI, try these:

- Why are you not using ROI?
- What is your definition of ROI? Does that match the rest of the world's?
- What do you gain by not using ROI?
- What do you lose by not using ROI?
- What would happen if you did use ROI?
- How could you make a decision using ROI?
- Do you never use ROI? What was different for the situations when you did?
- What other questions could you ask yourself about ROI?

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