How to Score 30k Every Raid Weekend! - Clash of Clans

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How to Score 30k Every Raid Weekend! @ClashBashing is back in the Clan Capital for Raid weekend and teaching you how to score 30k Capital Gold Every Raid weekend with the Graveyard Hog Raider Strategy. By targeting districts that you can 2 shot you can score big during raid weekend for your clan!

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Intro: 00:00 - 00:21
The districts you should attack: 00:21 - 01:20
Army: 01:20 - 01:30
Attack 1 + 2 ( GOLEM QUARRY ): 01:30 - 4:42
Attack 3 + 4 ( BALLOON LAGOON ): 04:42 - 07:46
Attack 5 + 6 ( BUILDER'S WORKSHOP): 07:46 - 11:13
Attack 7 + 8 ( WIZARD VALLEY ): 11:13 - 15:07
Second Army: 15:07 - 15:14
Attack 9 + 10 ( SKELETON PARK ): 15:14 - 18:28
Outro: 18:28 - 18:49


whos watching this after the attacks🤣🤣🤣


I believe Skeleton spells are for distracting defenses not to deal damage. You wanna place them in a place where the major Defenses can be distracted using those so that the main army stays safe. I often did this mistake of of putting those spells in the blind spots of Defenses. That might work on default layout but on tricky layouts, it might fail


OH MY WORD!! Just tried this, 19.5k after 4 attacks and 2 x 100%.
You are seriously the man Bash!!


I usually get 28 to 29k with the battle ram, giant, electro wizard, graveyard combo you showed us months ago. In order to 2 shot, I do have to target specific districts though. I'll give this strategy a try. 👌


29% in my first attack on Golem. Finished it off with my second. THANK YOU!! I have been getting clobbered in the past. 2 shot. BOOM!!!


tried this for the first time and it works so well, i'm going to use this attack as my main one from now on. thank you!


This video was really helpful, ty Bash with this strategy I 3 starred 3 districts and got 27, 825 capital gold and I have never gotten more than 20k in previous raid weekends lol.


The Hogs jumping over the rivers look majestic. Thanks man


I usually score 20-22k points per week. Highest in my clan and im very proud of that. One day this guy just pop up out of no where on my fyp making my 20k look like a beginner 😅


If you really want a high score use two accounts hit with one then use the other to finish it the second one will score huge


You’re the guy everyone hates that takes all the easy districts always


Rocket loon, minion, battle ram, graveyard works well too, I’ve seen my clan mates get almost 40k gold in 6 attacks before using this army


Thank you I almost got to 30k raid medals! I used to only get 13k because I only used Super dragons and attacked dragon cliffs


Great hits Bash, really enjoyed that strategy!
I do it mostly 25k, this time i did 30k but in my strategy which is a little bit mean lol.
BTW i really missed your live streams ...


I often top my clan at about 24-25k capital gold, never seen anyone get 30k, but the bases we face aren't as developed as the ones in the video, usually 7-9k each, not 10-12k.

I use a combination of Battle machine, super dragon, balloons, and a few minions and a battle ram, with either skeleton, rage and lightning, or 3 skeleton spells. Skeleton park is my most reliable 2 shot with that combo.


I always 2 shot wizard Valley with Giant, super wizard and Archer army. I usually get 1-2 stars on my first attack depending if I can get the capital building first. Even with the inferno towers I use a heal spell and lightning. Haven't gotten our clan capital fully built


THIS strategy is what’s ruined capital raids for me. Too many of our members want to see their names at the top on the leaderboard that DC and capital Peak goes untouched. Sometimes more than 24 hours.I used to be that guy doing the leftovers, but it got ridiculous so I stopped. No one else really does leftovers either so we’re lucky to get through three raids in a weekend.

If you get 30k and are top of the leaderboard, yay for you. If everyone in your clan tries the same trick than the whole clan suffers because of your unwillingness to work together.


Been using hogs, archers, battle ram, with Skelton and lighting the way the skeletons spawn on ur next attack from previous attack helps take down the bigger defensive weapons. I’m Surprised Clash Hasn’t changed the attack strategy yet with the hogs, skeletons that’s Army been using couple months after they introduced raid weekend


Dragon cliffs definetly need a lil nerf with all the super dragons defending. Its way too strong
