NEVER REVEAL THESE SEVEN THINGS TO ANYONE | A must watch video for everyone | Buddhist story |

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Buddhist story on seven secrets of life you should never tell anyone in your life. In this story there are few things of your life which you should not tell even to your wife i.e. your husband. Because sharing these secrets can create problems for you in your life. Therefore in this video a wise Zen monk share seven secrets which no one share with anyone in their life. A must watch video for everyone.
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I think the right approach is not overdo it. You can share sometimes because you can find new perspectives to your problem but do not overdo it



1. You should Never tell anyone about your sorrow or helplessness
2. Never tell anyone about your past mistakes and future plans
3. Never tell anyone about your home affairs.
4. Never tell anyone about your weaknesses and strengths.
5. You should never tell anyone about your income and savings.

6. Never tell anyone about your humiliation.
7. Never tell anyone about your friends and your enemies.


Thanks for this thought-provoking video. More important than arbitrary laws about what *never* to tell is this: Discernment. In other words, developing a wise discrimination over when to tell something, and to whom. These 7 rules may be a helpful beginning, but the work of wisdom is more subtle. Discernment takes a lifetime to master. It is more about "spirit" than "laws."


Now I understand why so many people whose roots are in the far east come across as cold and unemotional to Americans. I don’t agree with these teachings when it comes to family, close friends and spouses, but this does help me understand something other than what I believe. This IS good advice, though, for dealing with acquaintances, co-workers, classmates, and strangers.


Sharing with others can be a powerful thing. No you shouldn’t share if you are uncomfortable about everything in your life. But by sharing your experiences and triumphs you can inspire and even give someone else hope. I still love this channel but many should know we will not agree on everything.


Never lend money only give it. No resentment can be if a gift is given. Only tell your therapist the problems you are having trouble sorting out. He is right about friends can become enemies. No one really cares about your insecurities and troubles unfortunately and if they do it is short lived. Love yourself and learn to work out your problems with professionals and trust everything that is painful will shift.


True friends and life partners can be recognized, by having the possiblity of sharing these 7 things without being harmed. How blessed are we when having those life partners and friends.


Move in silence while building loving and trusting relationships ❤🙏🏽


The less people know about you, the better you are. Keep to yourself your past, your problems, your plans for the future. Never ever talk about your family to your partner. It's the best way to keep them safe and yourself respected. When respect is lost, love doesn't last longer.


Never lend money unless you're happy to lose it...


This is possibly the best advice I've received in a long time


To each his own, in case you disagree, so be it. If someone agrees with the advice, that person found help. There are always a thing which works for one and it does not work for another. Choose what suits you


This is why I don't attend any social functions anymore. I rarely attend them. Because most people are gossipy and artificial. I go to Hindu temples, I go to pray, I learn online music classes and language classes, I attend concerts that I like, and I do my own thing.


True, there mightt be negative reasons not to share but if you hold everything inside, you will lose the chance for good people to support you and have people to lean on with your problems. Many people are understanding because they have went through similar things. I'm still going to be honest and share my problems and concerns with others even though there are negative reasons not to do it. I'll take the risk.


What this tells you is that you really can’t trust people, even the ones closest to you. Dr. Phil wrote a book years ago called Life Code which addresses this issue.


This is totally opposite of what American culture wants...Your most intimate relationships are a blend of am blessed to have people in my life who really care about my well being...I hope you do also...We all
experience difficulties in life...
Leaning on each other is essential!❤


I usually feel happy and encouraged after watching these videos but today I realise that the kinds of cruelty mentioned in this one are even more apparent after the covid pandemic reared its ugly head and destroyed our lives. I have also noticed that a lot of people are still living in fear (and not just the French) by walking around with masks on despite the fact that life has more or less returned to normal and vaccines and the risk of another outbreak are rarely mentioned now.
I have heard that the most dangerous animal living on this planet are humans and this video was literally saying that no one can be considered genuine, kind and sincere and yet when I listened to a man pouring out his troubles to me about the employees who work in the company he works for and how lazy and inconsiderate they are, I had no desire to mock him or even discuss what he told me with anyone because in many ways I understood where he was coming from and was relieved in a way that someone else has noticed what I see around me 95% of the time. Are humans truly beyond all hope? Is there no chance of finding someone to confide in without being mocked behind our backs? I understand that revealing family troubles, what you earn every month, revealing your strengths and weaknesses, your future plans and so on is a big mistake but now I just feel even more sorry for those who were and are born in the 21st century and wish it was possible to return to the 20th century where life wasn't quite as intense as it is today 😪💔😭


This is loving yourself first. Which is right. Private matters should be confident.


Speak the truth. Don't live in deception ☺️


I also agree with the author of this video about being careful about sharing one's future goals with random people we know. People, out of jealousy, can wish failure on you and have bad intentions that puts out negative energy to you. However, most persons probably have some close, personal relationships with some persons who are trustworthy and it could be OK to share future plans with those persons. If one is in a committed relationship or marriage, people are not going to be better partners if they can't share on a personal level with the other.
