FULL STREAMING POWER! HLS And DASH On A Nginx Server With RTMP Support - A Complete Walkthrough

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We see first how to enable a HLS and DASH server, then we see how they are connected to the RTMP server, so to have a HLS and DASH stream as soon as we stream data using RTMP.
In the end, we see with FFmpeg how to create HLS and DASH streams from scratch

Just in case there are questions or doubts, feel free to comment down below!

Further reference for this video:

Sample video:
► Big Buck Bunny

👉👉👉 FOLLOW ME 👈👈👈

► Evolution - Royalty Free Music by Benjamin Tissot

00:00 Intro
02:04 RTMP streaming limitations
06:29 Enabling HLS and DASH in the Nginx server
19:19 RTMP streaming with FFmpeg and HLS+DASH client consuming
27:29 Creation of HLS streams with FFmpeg
36:57 Creation of DASH streams with FFmpeg
42:07 Creation of a multiple quality HLS streams with FFmpeg
56:07 Conclusions

#devstefit #streaming #hls #dash #ffmpeg
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I need to re-watch - thank you for the time you put in.


Hello Stef, very helpful your video and the use of nginx, another interesting topic is the use of hls and dash but allocate the output hls or dash files in a server using Webdav, I've seen that this can be done with nginx or with apache, it would be great if you could do a video about it.

Greetings from a fan from Mexico, keep it up with your cool content I've learned so much 👍👍👍


In a very short short period of time I learned a lot from your videos. But one thing I noticed, my CPU is overworked.


Great video, thank you for your time and work 👌🏽💪🏽👍🏽❤️


And you? Do you have a HLS/DASH server set already? Let me know what are you doing with it


Hi, thank you for the video. Thumb up from me, however I think you've misted couple important aspects if not THE most important aspects of this. First of all, you did not present what HLS/DASH is used for: it is used for a stream seeking. That is why you generate a playlist - to be able to jump to a given position in the file. In your case I suspect you could jump into beginning and middle of the file, because you have two parts. What you should do is to take longer video, divide it into 10 parts and show us how seeking in the file actually works. There are some other important things that you should point out, like generating list on the fly while consuming the stream.


Bro sounds like he is from Russia Mafia hehe!


Is there a way or work around with the delay? Im trying to stream with obs to nginx rtmp hls😅


Can we able to record the streamed footage in the nginx server?


Hi Dev, I liked your video can you make a video on RTMP OBS Streaming. Like Youtube Live or Twitch Live waiting for those videos!
