16 Animals That Were Destined To Be Adopted By Their Owners 😃

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0:00 - Intro
0:00:12 - 1. Iwent toapet shop tobuy afish. This isFish.
0:00:21 - 11. Iwent tobuy new shoes. Got him, aswell.
0:00:30 - 12. Istarted volunteering atthe animal shelter and went from one dog to3. Now IguessI need anew bed for myself.
0:00:39 - 13. Iwent tovolunteer atthe animal shelter and this little guy wouldnt leave mealone, soI brought him home.
0:00:48 - 14. Myboyfriend andI went toFlorida for afamily funeral. Wefound this guy athis Grandmas house. Guess who got themselves anew dog
0:00:57 - 15. Iwent tothe animal shelter. They got inthe car. Now welive together.
0:01:06 - 16. Afew weeks ago, Iwent tothe animal shelter and rescued this beautiful boy instead ofgetting aCorgi from abreeder. Icouldnt behappier with mydecision.
0:01:15 - 2. When mydog passed away, the whole family was sure wewould only get ablack and curly dog. 4years later, wegot him
0:01:24 - 3. Myfriend went tothe animal shelter tolook atcats. She said she was just going tolook
0:01:33 - 4. Look what accidentally followed mehome from the animal shelter
0:01:42 - 5. Mygirlfriend andI have ablack kitten with one eye. Last weekend wesaw another black kitten atthe animal shelter who looked exactly like him, only hewas missing the other eye. Weadopted him right away.
0:01:51 - 6. Iwent toananimal shelter tolook atdogs and saw these sad eyes looking atme. Icame home with anunexpected friend.

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😉 About Yolo Oraculus 😉
Cool relaxing content, we show cute and not so cute animals, their lives, and just their appearance, because often, you know the name of the animal, but you have no idea what they look like.
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