This is Richard Hammond's favourite place in the world

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Having traveled the world filming cars for over 20 years, there's only one place Richard Hammond truly calls home. In this video, he takes us on a tour around Buttermere, his favourite place on the planet.

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This is why Hammond has always been my favorite presenter. He blends the poetry of May with the excitability of Clarkson. He's very balanced for speaking well about the outdoors.


This was actually very touching... I could feel it was heartfelt and genuine


Story telling is a lost art but these guys (Richard, James, and Jeremy) still have it. Delicate balance of humor, fun, and poetry. None overdone. Look forward to more!


Right next to the road sign he stood at the start of this video, I parked my car about this time last year. I had just lost my childhood dog, a 12-year old golden retriever named Bailey.

This was the first walk I went on, about 2 weeks after his passing and I had his collar attached to my rucksack.

I was alone and walking to clear my head and almost take Bailey on “one more adventure”.

Likewise, this place will always have a special place in my heart and was amazing to see someone like Hammond speak so fondly of it too.


Because of this my girlfriend and I visited Buttermere last week and it’s as brilliant and beautiful as Richard describes. We fell in love with it too and his words do it justice.


What I found really moving was the friendship he formed with an ordinary young guy which has lasted through his life. No matter how rich or famous, his friendship has lasted his whole life and he still goes back to this spot when he could go anywhere in the world. He comes across as a genuine ordinary person who is not swayed by fame


Learning new things about Hammond all the time. What a great guy.


Im from Salt Lake City, Utah. When I was 10 years old I spent the summer in Volmerz, Germany. The fields and cobblestone roads, the mountains, the churches, cafes made me never want to leave. Unfortunately I'm 49 now and have never been back. I still dream of that place. I pray someday I will return. The Lake District reminds me of my time in Volmerz and it makes my heart ache. Thank you ever so much Richard for sharing your special place. Cheers 🍻


Richard Hammond is my age. I understand what he is feeling. LIfe seems to change when the 5th decade of it rolls around. It's a blessing to have had this much and a curse to know the days ahead are shorter than those behind. We love you Richard Hammond. You have brought joy to the world through your love of cars and travel. Onward.


I've actually watched this video 3 times now because I find it so incredibly moving.

Richard's honest and genuine love for Buttermere echoes how I feel for the Lakes. My dream is to have a little house somewhere near Coniston but for the moment - visits during the school holidays will have to suffice.

Thanks to Richard for making me realise that I'm not the only bloke in the world who has a bizarre love with the hills, fells, villages, fields and lakes of the Lake District.


You deserve all of this, Hammond. Thanks for the entertainment you have brought us over the years!


I think I'd watch an entire series of this... Hammond in a travel show which looks at the not very "touristy" bits of all sorts of places he's been. I'm sure there are some where he'd be very authoritative on why you shouldn't go to or indeed be anywhere near.

And every episode would be as captivating as this one.

Thank you.


Can we do more about Buttermere? More of Richard just... being. It's so pure and right. And I love how he points with the cane when he talks. It just seems so right.


I'm Czech with Spanish husband, living 17 years in Edinburgh, Scotland. We traveled the world, over 50 countries, and Lake District is one of our favorite places on Earth. I call it fairytale, it stole our hearts and we try to camp there every year. We were few times in Glenridding campsite, but lately was always full, so thanks to that we discovered more places, including wild camping and just realized that this August we were in Syke campsite ❤️. That area is all so magical 🥰. Next time to Buttermere 😍


A part of the Lake District that's not been over run long may it remain so. I spent most of my teenage youth every weekend and holiday in the Lakes before moving to the south of England . Whenever I go back the place just fits like a glove.


This was a treat. Thank you Hammond.
And the cameraman, you sir, did a fantastic job. Well done!


Please make a series of your favourite places in the UK, or even just in the lakes, just like this. Simple and heartfelt. Quality.


It's easy to fall in love with the beach and palm trees but it takes a special kind of romantic to be enchanted by a rugged landscape, mists rolling through the meadows at dawn, little rivers making their way through fields of moss overgrown boulders. I totally understand Hammond and how his heart leaps up while spending time in this kinda place. It's magical. 😍


When I was 7 years old my mother moved us to Franklin, Tennessee.

I didn’t know it at the time … but the love Richard has for this place is the same love I have for the hills of Middle TN.

It’s hard to describe with words how special these hills are to me.
I’ve driven almost every backroad myself or with my wife. And yet we continue to explore and find new discoveries every time we go for a drive.

My wife & I have a small farm in Columbia, TN now & plan to purchase an estate in the coming years. We’ve grown deep roots here & videos like these make me realize how blessed we are.

And how AMAZING Richard is. I’ve said it many times … he is & always will be the balancing character between James & Jeremy.

What a special video this is. Thank you Rich. Hats off to you brother.


I don't usually comment on channels owned by famous people. It's usually like shouting down a well.
But, this journey with Richard Hammond, really touched something deep inside me.
Charming, emotional, Hammond's sense of humor, all combined with the wonderful footage of this gorgeous place and really spoke to me.
Thank you Richard Hammond for sharing something so deeply personal, simple and honest.
