Carry-On For Diploma Students | OTO For Diploma | Official Circular Explained | Good News #msbte

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Carry-On For Diploma Students | OTO For Diploma | Official Circular Explained | Good News For Diploma Students


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Sir this is really messedup a lot rather than a good news😢.Btw thank you so much sir.


Sir maza exam form filling miss zali winter 2023 chi atta ky kru me? Sir mla khup vegle thought yet ahet dokyat sir please help me!!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Mala sangaa ki diploma valyanna tar apply zala rule but 1st year vale je DC laglele aahet tyanchya sathi apply zala aahe kaa carry on rule ?


Sir 2 year's 5 backlog ahet Ani me oto form barlo Ani mg Ani 4backlog ahet pn college Wale 3 years che college fee v4 ahet kay Karu ??? ❤


Jya student chi final year madhe yenyakarita conditions bnli nasel te yeu skte ka?
Mnje jyancha 1st year clear nahi aahe te yeu skte ka final year madhe?


Sir mi course purchase kela aahe pan tya nantar maza mobile reset zala Mg mi parat app download kel pan aata login hot nahi, pls login from your device as dakhvat aahe .aata😢mi kay karu sir, pls sang sir😭


sir please reply 3 rd list lagli
tri number lagla nahi 2d year la tr ata pudhe ky karych sir🥺🥺🫠🫠


Sir 2nd Sem Cha M2 Rahila Rahila Aahe Fkt 1 Subject Tr 5th Sem Sathi December Madhe Exam Deta Yetil ka ? Winter 23 Sathi !!


Sir mi admission ghetlay ahe oto la pn mla ata te cancel kraych ahe pn mi online payment pn kel ahe pn mla ti fee magari pahije bhetla ka


Sir je 6th sem la back lagle aahe tencha kay
Tenla pan chance daila paheje 🥺


App la error yet aahe. Kay karach and tumhi video pan nahi send kele


3rd year chya students sathi kay kel nahi yani ata maj 3rd year la 1 vishay back rahily mala degree la admission bhetna amchya sarkhyani ky karav sir... 😢


Sir 3rd year yd padlelyana degree la bhetel


Sir last year valyancha ky jar ekhada 6 th sem la backlog lagla tar yd ka ahe chance. Pan chance asel tar engineering che admission cha ky karan already DSE che cap round 20 tarki la chalu honar ahe so amhi ky karicha🙄


Sir mala TY chi pariksha ektra nahi dyachi milat....plzz sir sanga jar mi drop ghetla tar Mala Drop madhe KT clear karta yeil ka ?


Sir 3year computer if ek back aahe khup lokanche MAD subject madi Ani MAD pahile online hota mung aata parat online geu sakta Ani online cha result lagich yatoo


Sir majhe second sem che 4 subject back rahile ahe tr mi second year la admission ghyu shkto ka


Sir BE FE chya studant sati pan praynth Kara na


Sir mi direct second year sathi apply kelay sir pan 2 ni cap round madhe college nahi milal sir 3 rd madhe lagel ka sir please reply me


Thank you sir
Sir jr ka second year la back rahilo tr fees bharav laganar ahe ka college chi purn fees
