NEW Borophene Battery Is About To Change EVERYTHING In 2023

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Let’s image you are the CEO of an electric car company and your plan is to make your EVs more competitive, what are you going to do?Tesla CEO Elon Musk is in exactly this position right now, and one of the things he is working on is increasing the driving range capabilities of the Tesla Cars. Thanks to a new developed wonder material, Musk designed an EV battery that will significantly boost the performance of all Tesla Cars across the Board! What exactly is this new wonder material made of? What are the special properties? Join us now as we explain everything regarding the New borophene battery that was just revealed by Elon Musk himself! Nowadays batteries have became such an essential part of our society, we couldn’t imagine a world without them anymore. They power many of the things around you and let you operate in a world without the need of being permanently connected to an electric outlet! Imagine a World like this, it would be absurd, you would need to have your smartphone permanently connected with the power socket in order to use it, that’s certainly not fun! But besides smartphones, there are even more important use cases for batteries, for example in heart pacers or hearing aids.Because batteries are so essential nowadays, scientists and engineers are constantly trying to improve them even more with better materials, that can enhance their properties like charging speeds, charging capacity and driving range, thermal conduction, safety and much more.
With new and highly effective materials they are also able to push down the price of the batteries, so electronic products will get more affordable for the customers! Elon Musk has a lot of reasons to be so interested in battery technology, his dream is to preserve the environment and push the transition from combustion powered cars, that pollute the air with greenhouse gases, to zero-emission cars. This whole transition is dependent on batteries, they store the electrical energy that is used to drive the electric motors. The more efficient EVs are getting, the more people will make the switch. Especially if gas prices continue to rise. Another little personal dream of musk is to design and develop a fully electric plane, that would replace his private jet, so he could travel more environmentally friendly. However, if electric planes can succeed will depend on the weight and the energy density of the batteries, this would help make the planes a lot lighter and give them a more extended flying range. With current on the market technologies, it is nearly impossible to find the right kind of batterie that would be suitable for such a use case. Tesla in 2022 has become a huge powerhouse in the battery industry, as it started in the past to switch from buying batteries from different manufactures to producing them inhouse and design specially for Tesla’s needs. However, the search for new and better materials continues! Right now, basically all electric cars use so called lithium-ion batteries, which Tesla made popular with their first car ever made, the Tesla Roadster. Lithium-Ion Batteries have a lot of advantages compared to the lead-acid batteries, which were the leading technology for decades. It is a lot lighter, has a bigger energy density, charges much faster and lasts a lot longer. But beside it’s advantages it also has some disadvantages, when uses in electric cars. Although lighter, it is still super heavy, making EVs weigh significantly more than their combustion engine car counterparts. Also the charging speeds are not fast enough, compared to a normal car filling their gas tank. They are also costly to produce, and even more costly when disposing them properly. In the past there were a lot of talking regarding a so called wonder material: Graphene, which is touted to have a lot of promising applications that could transform many facets of life, including health, energy, construction and electronics. At the beginning there was a lot of excitement, scientists wrote more then 8000 papers regarding the new material. Graphene is extracted from graphite, which is the material that is also used in pencils. Just like graphite, graphene
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Like so many of these “Wonder Materials, ” I am not certain Borophene can scale out of the lab environment. Manufacturing techniques to produce Borophene in sufficient quantity to be of use need to be found, then developed. After all that, could it ever be produced at a cost that is not prohibitive? On the other hand, aluminum was once a very expensive material. Time will tell.


No such thing as, "Zero Emissions".


A world where your phone has to be connected to a socket… you mean the 1990s


Ev is ass backwards.
Bad idea...
Why make even more waste to make a machine that does the same thing?
How can that be a step in the right direction.




How about you tell us how the batteries get recycled first so far we can't recycle the batteries from a flashlight.


Would be great to NOT mine lithium, which is dirty work.


When they do begin in a very few months to broadcast actually free electrical energy using Nichola Tesla's original concept and intention, the battery market will collapse as batteries will no longer be needed for much of anything-just a receiver and a motor or other output/use method. This broadcast electrical energy would evidently pretty much cover all the earth so batteries would be very limited in their application and need. Likely, if much of any significant power plants are needed, those types of gas, coal, nuclear plants will be replaced with safe plants using thorium that, as I understand it, only requires nuclear waste to first activate the thorium process and don't require uranium rods to operate which would be a use that would lead to removal of the usual nuclear plants, their nuclear waste and disposal/storage needs. Thorium cannot melt down or go nuke in any fashion. Best thing this side of fusion. Thorium plants are now beginning to be built and nuke plants were only essentially dictated and forced on us by the evil elements (that some reading may be aware of) in our society who are presently being eliminated (killed off) as we are taking back to begin rebuilding and reshaping our world without their destructive input.


More silver and boron would need to be mined. 🧐🧐🧐🧐🤣🤣🤣🤣
