GP Online Consultation animation – Polish

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Patients in West Yorkshire and Harrogate can now contact their GP using an online form 24/7 whenever and wherever they like using a smartphone, computer or tablet. The form is available on most practice websites in West Yorkshire and Harrogate and gives you greater choice and flexibility around how you contact your GP. You can use the form to tell your doctor about a new problem, describe symptoms, attach photos, make an admin request or anything else you need to tell your practice about. It also offers access to symptom-specific self-help information and easy access to other local NHS and self-care services. Patients have reported that they find the form quick and easy to use and a lot better than being in a phone queue. We know that digital technology is not for us all. But if every patient who can use the online form does so we can free up busy telephone lines for people who can’t or don’t want to use online facilities. This video is also available in: