[New Rendition] Adrian Willaert: Ave virgo, sponsa Dei (1542)

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This Marian motet comes from a collection of Venetian church music for 6 voices by Adrian Willaert, master of music at Basilica San Marco. It is written in the tradition of High Renaissance Franco-Flemish polyphonists just before guidelines by the Tridentine Council discouraged intricate counterpoint in church services. Some of the rich cadential passages are prescient of later works by Palestrina and Victoria. In this motet, there are 5 voices that sing in imitation of one another while a sole tenor, tucked away in the middle, repeatedly intones the plainchant "Inviolata, integra et casta, es tu Maria." (Undefiled, pure and chaste are you, Mary). The motet is divided into 3 parts (outlined below).

Text and translation:

1. Ave Vírgo, sponsa Dei, (Hail, virgin, spouse of God)
sancti spíritus sacrarium, (santuary of the holy spirit)
in quo praeter ordinem (in which beyond this order)
mirabili mysterio (a miraculous mystery)
verbum caro factum est, (The word is made flesh)
et tu Chrísti redemptoris (and you, are Christ redeemer's)
immaculata genitrix. (immaculate birth mother)

2. O María, benedícta in mulieribus, (O Mary, blessed among women)
tu sola fons pietatis (you alone are the font of piety)
et foelix coeli porta; (and auspicious way to heaven)
tu sola es mater gratiae; (you alone are the mother of grace)
tu spes sola pauperum (you alone are the hope of the poor)
et advocata nostra (and our advocate)
ante conspectum Domini. (before God's sight)

3. Igitur nos merito (Therefore, we deservedly)
errata nostra flentes (grieving our errors)
in hac lacrimarum valle (in this valley of tears)
ad te confugimus! (flee to you)
Ora pro nobis Dominum, (Pray for us to the Lord)
quia paenitet peccasse, (as we repent our sins)
ora eum jugiter, (Pray to him always)
ut nobis indulgeat (so that he may indulge us)
sola ejus clementia. (with his forgiveness)

Description of the photos:

1. "Ave Virgo, sponsa Dei," cantus part, Musicorum 6 vocum, liber primus (Venice), 1542
2. Weymiss Madonna adoring the baby in the rose garden Jesus, Sandro Botticelli, c1485
3. San Marco Square, Willaert's stomping grounds for most of his musical career.
4. Concert of angels, Gaudenzio Ferrari, c1534
5. Interior of the Basilica San Marco, from Pixabay (hdytsc)
6. Coronation of the Virgin, Filippo Lippi, c1447
7. Altar, Basilica San Marco, from Pixabay
8. Angel Gabriel bearing a sign of the virgin Mary (Ave gratia plena), detail from the polyptych, Resurrection of Christ, Titian, c1522
9. Madonna and Child with Saints, Bartolomeo Montagna, c1498
10. Basilica San Marco interior with double choir lofts
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Well, thank you - I perceive your vocal renderings as becoming more and more lifelike!
