Dimasngehe | Kino - COEXISTENCE (Official Music Video)

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A trailblazing force in the world of music and visual arts, Dimas Prasetya, the self-proclaimed perfectionist and multi-hyphenate artist, is set to release his highly anticipated single “COEXISTENCE.” Following his debut single, “A PIXEL THAT SHAPES A DREAM,” Dimas continues to push the boundaries of his craft, exploring the depths of his experiences and emotions through a his lens.
In a shocking revelation, Dimas recently discovered that his biological father, a well-known celebrity in Indonesia, is not the man who raised him. This revelation has added another layer of complexity to his life and his art. "If anyone knew, it would be fucked up”. But I want to be recognized as a visual artist and film director, not someone else’s son," Dimas states.
Despite the challenges, Dimas is determined to stay true to his artistic vision and personal journey. "I still struggle with complete peace, and it haunts me," he confesses. "But I’m ready. I need to feel alive again. I want to reward myself with this experience."
Performed by Dimasngehe | Kino
Produced by Rizky Dzulkifli Rizaldi
Composed by Dimas Prasetya & Rizky Dzulkifli Rizaldi
Arranged by Dimas Prasetya & Rizky Dzulkifli Rizaldi
Written by Dimas Prasetya & Agil Herenda
Mixed and Mastered by Rai Anvio
Artwork by Dimas Prasetya
Music Ops: Jeff Winanda, Rieva Madyna, Bastya Indrawan, Daffa Naradhipa, David Leonardo
Brought to you by AUTERNVMS;
Dimas Prasetya
Dimas Dapeng Mahendra (Stunt Peformer)
Executive Producer: AUTERNVMS
Directed, Produced & Edited by: Dimas Prasetya
Technical Director: Hebrew Fransa
Assistant Director 1: Arkanul Kautsar
Production Manager: Fanni Ardi
DOP: Annuuru Tera
Assistant Camera 1: Ditho Prakusya
Gaffer: Rama Kusuma
Lighting Team: Rafi Wicaksana, Tauhid Muhammad
VFX: Naufaldy Ghaly Alana
3D Artist: Baybaypras
Graphic Design: Fikri Rasyid
Motion Artists: Aswood
Illustrator: Azroi
Behind The Scene 1: Reynaldy Yunior
Behind The Scene 2: Atthoriq Putra
Fashion Stylist: Vipi Kurniawan
Soft Content Lead: Hafizh Sasining
Runner: Ilham Apriyadi
Art Director: Khasyfil Aziz
Makeup & Hair : Fafa & Hairdobyabdul
Choreographer: Adine Verulyza Maharani
Aghastya Marza Alarick
Alif Fadilah
Anbar Salsabila .S
Dewi Retno Sari
Dian Nawra Amira
Fathimah Zahra Nurannisa
Irena Khaila Riswandi
Nazhifah Khoirunnisa
Salma Rosalia Hamidah
Sativa Tectona Grandis
Savira Putri Armiyanti
Yazid Farisy
Dimas Prasetya wears SVH
Special thanks to MVDMONO & Ngalamstore
Dimas Prasetya | Kino