Manifest The Best Version of Your Specific Person Like THIS | LOA | Self Improvement

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We all want that perfect relationship! In this video, I show you the way to manifest the best version of your SP.


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Join the Law Of Assumption Back Door Community:


Free 'core beliefs' worksheet available on the home page of my website!


I manifested by SP following your guidance. I'm extremely grateful. Thank you so much Matthew! You've no idea how much you've impacted my life and changed it for the best. Thank you so much ❤


Every video of yours has some new gem in it! They are such high quality! Thank you!


I dont care if there are number of manifestion coaches, you are my favourite among all ❤️
I was so being desperate for sp but after looking some of your videos I am good now
And for the first time I have subscribed manifestation coach
More power to you ❤️


Hey Matt. I am manifesting my SP for the sec time now. I want a better version of him so been affirming and doing the work for 2 months now. There are movements happening as he puts on his insta stories pics of him with songs that are about "longing, heartbreak, love, needing the partner". He puts up these stories after I put something in my status and that is his sort of response to me. He sent me a text last month but it didn't make any sense and since I wanted the end result as a committed relationship so I didn't entertain those texts much. Yesterday tho I had a dream in the morning where my ex of 6 years ago was doing all the things that I had imagined with my current SP. However throughout the day I was pumped up and was still affirming for the end result. He had put up a story whose lyrics are "am in love with you, obsessed with, totally addicted to you." That got me pumped up more yet today morning in my dream I saw glimpses of his old version where we were talking yet he was being emotionally off and hiding his feelings. Honestly I am so tired of going in circles like this. Please guide me.


This was spot on!!!!😭 I was legit finding an answer to this… I think I manifested this video 🙏🏻


If youre open for video suggestions i was wondering could you make a video on subliminals on what they are, how they work, what to do while listening to them, should i affirm while i hear one ect...


okay guys this is going to be long, but id like to share my manifestation journey so far bc im extremely excited. I also have some questions id like to ask you Matthew. (im sorry for the gramatical mistakes, im still learning English.)
So, my sp broke up with me, in the begging of the summer. We had an extremelly strong connection. And we still do, even tho we are in no contant.
When we broke up, he said some pretty shitty things about me, and our relationship. But he didnt said those things to me directly, he told them to one of his friends, and that friend told me it later. A few weeks after the break up, he started going on dates with one of my friends. I was always intimidated by that friend, so i was devastated. i cant even explain how bad i felt. I was crying all day, i couldnt eat for weeks, i also threw up everythime i thought about them together. i had those thoughts that he will love that girl more than he ever loved me, etc. I was also dying bc of the guilt i felt. In our relationship, i did some pretty bad things, and i felt like everything was my fault, and i lost the love of my life ( im 16 btw, so i dont know if i can confidently say that he is the love of my life, bc we are still so young )

soo after a month of basically doing nothing but crying, i finally had enough. I started watching manifestation videos. Mainly yours, Matthew. I started feeling better, bc your videos give me comfort and faith. After a few weeks i started to believe my affirmations. And here is the fun part. Recently my sp heard that i know about everything he said about me and he got really mad. He is not talking to that friend (who told me what he said) anymore, bc he feels like he lost me forever. So finally he feels like he lost me, and not the other way around. He said that in the future, he wanted to be friends with me, bc i was a really important person in his life. So yes, he reffered to me, as a friend, but i guess thats still beter than reffering to me as a person he hates. a few days after this, i had strange thoughts popping up in my head like "actually i dont really want him anymore" or " i dont really care about him anymore" etc. This was really strange bc i never had these thoughts before. Then i realised, that maybe i have these thoughts, bc for the past few days, he has been assuming that he lost me?? Like that would be so crazy and i dont know if thats the case or not.

Other than that, i posted a pic of me on insta, and i imagined him liking it. And a day lated he did. I was sooo happy. A week later i posted a knew picture, but i had a feeling that he is not going to like that one. I tried manifesting it, but i had doubts about it. A few days went by, and he didnt like it. until yesterday, i sat down and for the first time, i started scripting. I wrote down things like "everything always works out for me, i manifest effortlessly, i am extremly powerful, i always get what i want" i was also focunig on my sc, and said things like everybody knows how unique i am, everybody loves me unconditionally and so on. And i shit you not this boy liked my picture after 10 minutes of me doing this. i was so shocked omggg. I know this is not a big deal, but i like to manifest little things like this, so i can see how powerful the mind actually is.

about the 3rd party: for the past 2 weeks i got to the point where i didnt think about her at all. maybe she popped up in my mind once or twice but i didnt focus on it. But yesterday i had a dream where 3 of my friends told me that they are officially together. Somethimes i woke up from my dream for a second, i automaticly thought "why would they be together thats stupid" etc. But in the morning when i finally got up, I felt soooo much anxiety. I was like what if my dream is a sign, i was panicking. So i asked one of my friends, who talks a lot with that girl, if she is together with my sp. I knew i shouldnt ask it, and i should just live in my little bubble where everything is fine, but that dream freaked me out so much that i couldnt help it. So i got an answer. She said that they are not officially together, and they dont really talk a lot.In the beggining of their "relationship" the girl always sent snaps obut them being together on dates, but that also stopped a few weeks ago. A month ago, i was sure that by this time, they would be together, but they are not. i still feel a little anxious but i will continue my journey. i dont know if these dreams are a bad sign or not. Does it mean that my subconscious mind still believes that they will be together?

So basically thats all, and i just want to thank you Matthew! You give me so much faith, and im so thankful. I have this inner knowing, that by october or november, me and my sp are going to be together again. Or at least we are going to talk. I dont know if its okay to think like that, and if i really live in the end like that, but i will update you guys. <33


Really helpful. I like that you keep your videos short!



To get him back are these ok?

* I am an amazing person
* I am a gorgeous goddess
* I am treated like royalty
* I am totally magnetic
* I’m in a happy, healthy, loving, loyal committed relationship with sp


Hi Mathew !!! So far I've binge watched all your videos and I noticed you talking about doing the inner work in lot of'em. Could you be kind enough to explain a little as to how one should go about the "inner work" etc.... Also, if you can make a video on the said topic, it'll be really helpful❤❤


Hi 💜,

I just love your content and I appreciate how you are really helping people 💗. I feel blessed to find your channel!

I have question and I really need guidance on it,
When I some time think of my person some time the 3P face shows up in my imagination or sometimes when my mind image it without me exactly imagining it the other party face shows up . How to tackle this situation?

Could you please provide me guidance on it? Or could you please make a video on it? It will be helpful to many people.

I really love you guys. Thank you 💕❤


Another great video
Here’s my question, my ending I want is my ex express regret and apologise.
I tell myself I’m worthy and amazing person, she have express regret and apologise for her action.
Is this how should it be ?


Today i am so sad i love this guy for 10 years.. we have no contact and want to manifest him for 8 month. I am doing actually well i think, maybe not🤷🏼‍♀️ i cried so much this night because i dont see any movement..


Hi bro, I am trying to get my SP, in long distance, I want a regular chat communication, also would like to meet. Her, our regular chat not regular, pls give your idea


Heya.i thought things were going well with my SP. Ive been affirming etc.he then txtd saying i cant keep seeing you like this, you need to start dating again.i dont want to lead you on or anything.
Any helpful advice


I have to menifest 2000$ in a day how ?
