Commentary: Floods cannot hamper China's resolve in poverty alleviation

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The recent flooding along the Yangtze River has caused great loss. But the disaster cannot stop the country's progress toward achieving the goal of eliminating absolute poverty as scheduled.
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中国加油💪🏼!it is amazing to watch this beautiful country fight for the well-being of ALL of her people!
Once upon a time; I believed my country also put PEOPLE and LIVES before the personal power and wealth of a few. You could at LEAST still find inspirational examples. Today, we have media (one particular media giant), purposely reporting misinformation about masks, testing, hospitalization and fatality number; in order to please their most important viewer. Instead of trying to bring the country together to save lives and reduce our frightening surge of infections; they are applauding the President and his daughter for using their important positions...TO SELL BEANS. (OR as it has become popular here, to “own the libs”—bully their opposition).
Yet, they also continue to criticize and misinform US Citizens about China, (MUST keep their military industrial complex donors happy); and the endemic epidemic of HYPOCRISY continues to grow with the virus. Meanwhile, COVID Deaths race to 140, 000 dead Americans in 7 months; our infection and hospitalization rates continue to surge, testing remains a HUGE issue, (for some hard-hit cities, people wait in line for over 8 hours, only to be told they’re either out of supplies; or it will take 11 DAYS to get results back); hospitals in many areas in Florida, Arizona and Texas are overflowing, (sending sick patients to other States to try and save their lives); and hospitals and testing facilities are running out of equipment and PPE’s, also some severe staff shortages because so many are getting sick from inadequate protection.
What is OUR Govt doing about this crisis? Consoling families and promising to improve the situation?
No, they’re selling BEANS, running their re-election campaign, continuing to misinform the public, and bullying their critics. country DARES criticize China? At LEAST it appears that other countries are FINALLY waking up to the fact that Western media and politicos have been lying about China for YEARS.
They are realizing that it’s NOT our Chinese friends who are brainwashed and censored. And it’s NOT China who’s guilty of human right’s abuses.
I’m reminded of lyrics from 2 very old Rock/Folk songs; “Where have all the flowers gone?.... Where have all the graveyards gone?
Covered with flowers every one
When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn?”
And Finally (I changed the lyrics a bit when I sang it many years ago):
“I’ve gotta get out of this place
If it's the last thing I ever do
I gotta get out of this place
'cause YES, there's a better life for me and you...”
🥰🇨🇳☮️. 加油,我的朋友!💪🏼😷
I think I’ll go listen to another episode of 经典咏流传第二季 and try out my new Wok...😁
