Climbing the Kennerton Ladder - Review Kennerton Wodan

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Kennerton fan boy here for another look at a Kennerton planar, this time it's the Wodan. I've collected some listening notes and also compared it to the Underwoods HiFi LSA HP-1 (also made by Kennerton).
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Hey, I know this video is 2 years old, but the information is still very relevant and I loved hearing about the headphones, this was a great review to watch. Your style of video is amazing and it's informative while being very straight to the point, thanks for your videos! I saw a guy on reddit selling a bunch of Kennertons because he had some medical problems and so I became curious and have heard nothing but legendary things about these.

My current setup is an HD800s and a Fiio K9 Pro ESS, I love the wide sound stage and how immersive the detail sounds. The clear mids and sharp but not overly powerful but still beautiful treble (I tuned and EQ'ed them), with bass that has just enough impact to be passable in my opinion. I honestly do love my setup and think I could check out of audiophile land.

But of course here I am on a review leaving a comment, I watched your review for the 800s and loved hearing your opinion on them, and also completely agreed with it so I wanted to see how you like these compared to the Wodan's and some of the other higher up Kennerton's since they're around the same price range (the lower end ones) and if they would be worth checking out if I can get my hands on a set of them with a return policy if I don't find them to be worth it.


Wanted to mention that Underwood is running a special on the HP-1 for $1, 299 - I don't think it is on the website so you may need to email William.


Fellow Kennerton fanboy here ... very nice review ... fyi, periodically the Kennertons offer up to 25% discounts, and make their phones great values, imo


What is the difference between the colors of the kennerton woddan?


Hey, what's the difference between the wodan version 2020 and 2022?


Curious how the Kennerton sound compares to ZMF? House sounds of each? Thanks for your time!


Hey - I really appreciate your reviews. I noticed the Kennerton Wodan mentioned in a reddit comment a few days ago and have ben kinda obsessed with figuring out as much as possible about their headphones as possible. There isn't much info available, but I found your channel, and then discovered the LSA versions as well.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the LSA HP-1 (with ECL-02 pads I guess for my taste) compared to the LCD-2C that I can see that you have also reviewed. I currently own the LCD-2Cs, but have been considering whether there's something more out there for me, maybe especially something lighter / more comfy, now that I'm working from home.

I really enjoy the bass of the Audezes (a lot), but I'm wondering how much I'm missing out on in terms of details. From your description, I'm guessing the different Kennerton planars are in another league when it comes to details, and honestly, from your and other people's reviews, they sound like the perfect headphone, or at least the perfect headphone to me - with the mix of dynamics, details, extension, and very importantly to me at least, non-fatiguing and musical sound (I put my headphones on to chill and listen to some music while gaming, etc, not for analytical listening, BUT I do want my headphones to pull my focus back to the music when I'm maybe not focusing, exactly as you describe the Auteurs lacking on, and I find the Audezes do that in certain bassy passages, or with certian voices). So my main concern, is whether I'd be satisfied with the bass or the LSAs, and whether they have that "WoW"-factor that really gets you engaged, with some attack, weight, oomph, or whatever you wanna call it.

I'd love to hear any thoughts you may have on the LSA-HP1 vs LCD-2C :)
