Brewing RUSTIC SAKE with KOJI / homebrewing rice wine recipe, Japanese farmhouse style

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Did my homemade kome-koji do the job? Watch and see!

This rustic sake brew also taught me something about the purpose of acidity.

Let's brew!
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Thank you for sharing. I hope by now you would have perfected your skill in this matter. I thought of one thing perhaps you can give it a try: try to seperate the process of converting the carbohydrate to sugar using kome koji and yeast to convert sugar into alcohol. I think it will take a week for kome koji to do the conversion. After that, drain the sugary liquid into a container and add the yeast. This way, I believe whatever left over from the first conversion can be used as your koji starter. Sorry, this is just a thought and I don't have any koji to try this at home, unfortunately, unless someone here in the US is willing to send me a miniscule of koji to try. Cheers.


Не только защита кислотой, а богатство вкуса при молочнокислом брожении. Читал читал да не то вычитал.


Instead of opening jar and stirring with spoon... (introducing more potential for contamination and more clean up every day)...
just swirl it in jar with lid on.


wonder if alf and bata emilase (how ever you spell it would speed and ramp up the abv)


Cool! How was the unmixed sake? I'm curious if it would be more or less bitter with the sediment. I also wonder if using lactic acid would give you a rounder flavour. I find citric acid to be sharper and make things taste thinner than lactic when I use acids to adjust food or drinks. 88% lactic acid is easily available from homebrew stores.


Is it possible to use sweet potato instead Rice?


Hey and thank you for this interesting video!
What was your final gravity, after the three day bottle-fermentation?


How do you get lactic acid into the brew normally? Do you consider trying to add citrus acid to your magkeolli brews now?


What do you think you'll do differently next time? Would you consider trying a sake specific yeast?


Hi, i am about to try making sake in my home too.. i would like to know, what is the point to use lactic acid/citric acid? Do we use lactic acid bacteria, or lactic acid product? Thanks..


Hi Jeff, I tried this method today and bottled at day 3 as the alcohol level has reached my yeast’s alcohol tolerance. Upon bottling with rubber cap, it exploded as it’s unpasteurized. Would you recommend pasteurizing it to avoid the explosion?


Nice video but don't stir the yeast sediment back into the Brew.


Bleh! Milky rice wine. Sake is clear. I never use lactic acid, but I do use the commercial yeast balls from a local Chinese store. The very high alcohol content should keep it from spoiling in the long run, and sanitary conditions should prevent it at the beginning. BUT... making your own koji, you probably had some different bacteria strains the koji was fighting with. I have made some adding some red yeast rice as well. Beautiful color, but prefer the taste of it without. This stuff continues to slowly ferment for a LONG time. Even in the fridge, so don't cap it tightly. It took at least a year in my fermentor before it finally quit bubbling through the airlock. I have quite a few bottles that I bottled in June of 2016. Every now and then, I uncork one to enjoy. I was told you couldn't age rice wine, but it just keeps getting better. It finally lost that rocket fuel alcohol bite. Now, if that would just happen with my 8 year old mead...


Can you differentiate the taste of this sake drink and makgeolli?
