Angelina Jordan rehearsing Mount Everest for Portsmouth NH concert.
Angelina Jordan - Mount Everest in the parking garage (Aug 25 2022) #angelinajordan
Mount Everest~Angelina Jordan~Live at Kongsberg 2022
Angelina Jordan Reaction - Mount Everest // Classical Musician Reacts - Live at Kongsberg
MT. EVEREST - Mike & Ginger React to Angelina Jordan
Voice Teacher Reaction to Angelina Jordan - Mount Everest - Live at Kongsberg
PRO SINGER'S first REACTION to Angelina Jordan - Mount Everest
Incredible Performance| Mount Everest by Angelina Jordan (live at Kongsberg 2022) #angelinajordan
Angelina Jordan 🌻
SINGER REACTS TO ANGELINA JORDAN - Mount Everest | #angelinajordan
I hadn’t heard #angelinajordan like this!! #shorts
Angelina Jordan - Mount Everest Full Version Live at Kongsberg July 7th, 2022 - Producer Reaction
New Angelina Jordan Reaction - Mount Everest | New Music Reaction Videos 2022 #reactionvideos
NEVER SEEN THIS 'BOSS' VIDEO Angelina Jordan rehearsal 'Fly me to the moon' Nic...
Angelina Jordan - Mount Everest (Full Version 4K) Live |Reaction
Vocalist reacts to Angelina Jordan - Mount Everest (Live at Kongsberg July 7th 2022) Angelina live!
#shorts Angelina Jordan (new tiktok) - Mount Everest #angelinajordan
Angelina Jordan bts of 'Germanys next Topmodel' *NEW* #angelinajordan #heidiklum #reaction
Lyrically Climbing Mt. Everest! | Angelina Jordan - Mount Everest | First Reaction |
Angelina Jordan - Mount Everest, Live at Kurbadhagen, Sandefjord, July 10th, 2022, Close-Up
Angelina Jordan - Behind the Scenes of her Million Miles Video #angelinajordan
Reacting to Angelina Jordan - Mount Everest LIVE COVER
Angelina Jordan 'Mount Everest' A Short , Sound Check, Yeah Right!! Perfection in Short Fo...
I can't quite put to just a few words how much I love the sound of this woman's voice. I mean, I could, but it would be a book.
"The best view comes after the hardest climb.!!!" - Ms. Angelina "Magical Vocalist & Song Writer" Jordan "We Thank U - Maineology - Very Nice Here"
Hi' Musta my tall princess AJ' how is the day good it in you Are good day in you
Absolutely so stunning! Love when she sings this! 👏👌💎💫❤️
I had the privilege to see Angelina perform at the Music Hall September 22, 2023. As a senior citizen, living on a fixed income, it was very expensive. Nonetheless I bit the bullet and drove 7 hours straight to witness history being made. My motivations to attend were simple, since it may be my only opportunity to see Angelina live before my days end. I do not regret the decision. - However, the band needs a rethink. She was best when the band was least.
mikehaun5690 I agree, where did she find them? It's fortunate she is Great enough to make them sound OK by her Upper Level Talent, God Bless!
🐵🐒🦍🦧Its A great band of young musicians 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿
The drummer, bass and Angelina are all doing a great job here. Very interesting drum pattern, active in between lines but less so when she’s singing. More modern than at the Norwegian concert, which may of course throw off some self-described old geezers. Sound is just rehearsal, it is what it is. I know dissing the band has become a thing and have not heard the full concert yet. But from having done hundreds of band rehearsals, this is a good one from those mentioned. (Keys are just laying down some chords and sax/flute not doing much here.)
Republic Records needs to spend some money and get Angelina a really great band, her own band he can practice with whenever she wants until get gets the perfection she always seeks.
Love her new band and Angelina sings this song better than on her concert in Norway. Mount Everest was my favorite cover song of Angelina. I couldn't imagine that she could sing this song any better. But she always surprises me.
Also, will this be her regular band going forward? Or just an east coast back-up band?
This doesn’t look like Portsmouth. Was this at Berkelee in Boston? Was this their only rehearsal?
This band is not for her. Not at all. I heard that they ruined her IHave Nothing performance. Love AJ. Hopefully this is first and last for them