Difference between int , int16 , int32 and int64 in C# |C# Interview Questions

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Hello Friends ,
In this video we will discuss about what is the difference between int, int16, int32 and int64 ?
int, Int16, Int32 and Int64 are used to represent signed integers with values ranging based on their capacities/occupied size in the memory.

These types are able to work with negative and positive values.

All these types are the same in nature but different based on the value ranges.

Int16 represents 16-bits (2-bytes) signed integer.// 2 bytes of space in memory

As per the 2-bytes data capacity, an Int16's value capacity is -32768 to +32767. (2 power 16)

int is an alias of Int32, so, int and Int32 are the same type.
Int32 represents 32-bits (4-bytes) signed integer. (4 power 16 )

Int32 occupies 32-bits (4-bytes) space in the memory.

Int32's value capacity is -2147483648 to +2147483647.

As per the 4 Int64 represents 64-bits (8-bytes) signed integer.

Int64 occupies 64-bits (8-bytes) space in the memory.

As per the 8-bytes data capacity, an Int64's value capacity is -9223372036854775808 to

#intint16 int32int64inC#C#interviewquestions
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