BST - 14: Check if there exists a pair for given Sum in BST | Using Set | Using Inorder
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Solution - 1
- Traverse BST in preorder manner
- Initialize a Haseset
- If it present, return true, else add current node value in set
- Traverse every node in tree & check above
Time Complexity: O(n)
Space Complexity: O(n)
Solution - 2
- Traverse BST in inorder
- While Traversing in inorder, keepon adding value as well in list as well
- After traversing, we'll have sorted array/list
- Now take two variable start & end, start will point to o index & end will point to last index
- Get sum of values present at start & end index
- If CurrentSum is equal to given sum, return true.
- If CurrentSum is less than given sum, increase start by 1.
- If CurrentSum is greater than given sum, decrese the end by 1
Time Complexity: O(n)
Space Complexity: O(n)
For more info, please see the video.
I started my YouTube channel, Coding Simplified, during Dec of 2015.
Since then, I've published over 500+ videos.
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- Traverse BST in preorder manner
- Initialize a Haseset
- If it present, return true, else add current node value in set
- Traverse every node in tree & check above
Time Complexity: O(n)
Space Complexity: O(n)
Solution - 2
- Traverse BST in inorder
- While Traversing in inorder, keepon adding value as well in list as well
- After traversing, we'll have sorted array/list
- Now take two variable start & end, start will point to o index & end will point to last index
- Get sum of values present at start & end index
- If CurrentSum is equal to given sum, return true.
- If CurrentSum is less than given sum, increase start by 1.
- If CurrentSum is greater than given sum, decrese the end by 1
Time Complexity: O(n)
Space Complexity: O(n)
For more info, please see the video.
I started my YouTube channel, Coding Simplified, during Dec of 2015.
Since then, I've published over 500+ videos.
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