UFO Sightings Caught On Camera | Our Life

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This documentary argues that the mystery surrounding sightings of UFOs could be dispelled if governments were more open with their findings. The programme suggests that while Britain and America appear to conceal information, creating a fertile breeding ground for rumour and conjecture, Russia has begun to talk about its findings openly.

The programme draws heavily on amateur material of UFO sightings from around the world. It also focuses on two incidents where there were numerous reliable witnesses to strange lights in a wood near Woodbridge Airbase, Britain and the discovery of metal fragments in Roswell, New Mexico, USA. In both cases governments appear to have been evasive in instituting investigations into the possibility of cover ups, a factor which tends to generate further suspicions of a cover up.

This film was first broadcast: 10 Jan 1995

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Content distributed by ITV Studios.
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Tbh i miss how documentaries were made when i was a kid like this. Calm...fact based...straight to the point...and ngl i love the corny music and noises haha


Nobody believe in these things until they see one for themselves. Then you find yourself looking at the sky allot more.


We need an instant communication app so when someone spots a UFO, an immediate alert can go out in the area so others can come out and try to see/film it, also.


I'm a cinematographer and I can tell you that the white object in that Concorde film is NOT lens flair, or anything similar. The camera movement does not line up with the movement of the object in any way, much less the way it should/would.


This was made almost thirty years ago, and we’re still floundering around in the dark thanks to our ridiculous government.


There are a lot bigger things going on this earth than people realize


This 1990s documentary had info, interviews, and videos I've never seen before, and I've been into this subject for decades - the Larry Warren story in particular. He saw cameras taking video - would LOVE to see that content! The Rendelsham Forest case has to be the best documented proof of UFOs ever (multiple trained military observers, radar capture, audio, radiation readings, tree damage, landing gear evidence).


A gold nugget of UFO/UAP history. Please, keep sharing material of this caliber! Thanks!


I'm from India in South Asia and have witnessed UFOs on 2 different occasions in broad daylight and I'm 99.99% certain they were nothing earthly and man made that has made it to the skies. Man has never built an object that big, oddly shaped and shiny that reflects sunlight from a high altitude and changes it position swiftly in an unconventional way that defies physics.
I can claim this because of the time I've spent in the skies working as a flight steward for quite sometime and have probably seen everything that is common to the skies.
Debunkers and sceptics are not to be blamed here who have never witnessed or encountered such a phenomena in their lives but once they do, it will change their lives completely without a doubt.


One of the best UFO videos of all times, well done. Your eyes don’t lie, only the media does that.


The sky is full of unexplained sightings that can not be explained I sit in my garden at night and am amazed at what goes on .


6yrs ago I was sitting in my backyard on a beautiful summer night just looking at the stars as I still do many nights. My wife came out from inside our home and stood next to me talking but was looking at the sky also. My wife was in midsentence when out of nowhere a glowing object that was the size of a van and so low it seemed to just clear the top of the large tree in the back of our yard. It made zero sound, had no windows and all rounded edges, and the color seemed to be swirling. It was only in view for 5 seconds since it was so close and we only saw it from when it came over the tree over us and then over our house which caused it to be out of sight. It was very slow for something flying. I sat in my chair with my mouth open not believing what i just saw. My wife who was standing ran over to the side of the house where she saw it another few seconds before it disappeared over the house across the street. It looked identical to the video at 12:52. It was so low it looked as if it was skimming the trees. My wife was a nonbeliever of anything UFO and is now a full believer. From our angle it didnt look as diamond-shaped as the one in this video but the angles and color are exactly the same except it was less than 100ft above us. It was so close that what would be the paint but it wasnt paint, the best description is swirling orange lava. It still gives my wife chills till this day when I bring it up. The guy in this video can try and debunk that object all he wants but we saw this with our own eyes.


This is a very nice documentary, well done!!! I love the documentary about UFOs, Grey Alien, UFO orbs, Bigfoot, Ghosts, EVP, Ogopogo, Yeti, Chupacabra, Loch Ness Monster, Sasquatches, Grassman, Missing 411, SWR, portals etc these are my favorite documentary to watch


When I was a little boy a Ufo flew over our street it was so big you could not see the edge until it passed over it was beyond immense. It was a beautiful orange and it was silent it is still in my mind and I can see it even to this day.


Thank you so much for uploading this :) I haven't seen this since I was little !!


I saw a tic tac ufo in Southport NC back in 2019. I got several pictures of it and sent my report to MUFON. They couldn't explain it at all.


One of the best videos I've ever seen on this matter. Great job.


In January 2005 I witnessed a silent black trapezoid shaped object silently float over my roof. It eerily resembled the objects seen in Belgium. It wasn't huge, but it's presence was imposing. It had absolutely no visible means of propulsion, and had 4 amber colored lights embedded in all 4 corners. The quality of the lights were so pure and lustrous, yet not bright and without glare. It was the most surreal experience of my life. I don't know what it was... I want a practical explanation, but I've yet to find one. It was absolutely NOT a drone.


Debunkers - “if you don’t believe what I tell you to believe then you are wrong”. These films and photos are fantastic. Stay strong and alert my friends 👍🇦🇺


I love it… about 5yrs ago I was heading to North Carolina to meet/tour a manufacturers plant. I asked my mom to take the trip with as she is my travel partner, lol… I am the traveler who travels at night, in this case, we were traveling along thru the state of Pa, we were traveling on this strip of highway with corn fields along side and the road was virtually pitch dark. Next thing we were alerted to what was like a firework shot up in the air, it was white, red w/blue bottom. As it shot up it seemed to stop, then another shot, same appearance, then both shot up in the sky so fast they appeared as though they faded. About a year or so after, I was taking my mom to do her banking and while at a traffic light, I looked up and saw what appeared to be a craft, I can only sat it appeared to morph in appearance. I grabbed my iPhone and took a pic but it disappeared. Sometime later while watching a doc just like this, there was an individual featured who had captured a pic of the same exact object. I have both pics to this day. My last siting was a year ago, my moms twin passed so we were driving down to Va. As we exited off the Chesapeake Bridge, I noticed, whole stopped at a traffic light, a silver orb shaped object which hovered then started making un-patterned movements, next thing we know another object appeared. As the light changed, I looked around and the driver to my left looked at me and I could tell he saw what I had saw. One thing I’m happy that I’m never alone when I have sightings. It’s as though once you have a sighting you will continue to have sightings and it’s not scary at all, it’s exciting.
