'Steg Partije' - Yugoslavian Patriotic Song

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"Steg Partije" - Yugoslavian Patriotic Song


With Tito ahead of us, amidst the burning flames,
We march toward a decisive battle!
Our Party – from the desolate darkness,
Your flag has led us!

The spirit of the fallen, both in you and in us,
Is alive and never shall perish!
Our Party – your bold spirit crushes
Every obstacle victoriously!

Free workers, cities and villages,
It is time we build a new life!
Our Party – for great opportunities
You are invigorated by its mighty call!

Now the fighter builds – and the works of heroes,
Today we retreat freely
Our party – you are as tough as granite,
Comrades! For the plan we go forward.


S Titom, za tobom, kroz juriše plamne
Pošli smo u odlučni boj!
Partijo naša – iz pustoši tamne,
– Stijeg nas je vodio Tvoj!

Duh hrabro palih, u tebi, u nama,
Živ je i nikad ne mre!
Partijo naša – Tvoj smjeli duh slama
Prepreke pobjedno sve!

Slobodan radnik – i grada i sela –
Život sad stvaraju nov!
Partijo naša – za velika dela.
Snaži nas moćni Tvoj zov!

Narodi bratski, budućnost nas zove
S Titom – za Plan – sad u boj!
Partijo naša – u pobjede nove,
Dižemo slavni stijeg Tvoj!
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Did I make any mistakes in the video? If I did, please let me know!
Also, please suggest what anthem I should do next!


i love it bro! its sad how little amount of views it has! Long live comrades!