Spearfishing Aiming Tips | Techniques

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In the previous spearfishing video I covered 8 tips to ensure your speargun is shooting straight. You can check that out over here if you have not seen it yet.
So now that you have eliminated all the things that will cause you to be inaccurate, we can now start looking at some spearfishing aiming techniques.

Let's look at some aiming techniques and how and when to use them.
Essentially there are two ways guys take shots. Guys either aim down the barrel or they 'point and shoot'. Often this Point & Shoot is more instinctive and does not rely on ‘aiming’ at all.

A really handy tip I learnt a few years ago is the ‘Poke & Shoot’ This is a technique I have subsequently taught to guys new to the sport as well as those old school guys stuck in their ways. This is a sure fire way to improve your spearfishing accuracy and grow in confidence. It also helps you move away from relying on aiming down the barrel and transition into a ‘Point & Shoot’ style of shooting. As well as a host of other good things.

0:00 Introduction
01:00 Speargun Aiming Tips & Techniques
01:44 Aiming down the speargun
02:40 Pro’s to aiming down the speargun
02:50 Con’s to aiming down the speargun
07:18 The ‘Point n Shoot’ Technique
08:48 ‘Point n Shoot’ on Bronze Bream
10:49 Pro’s of Point and Shoot technique
11:23 Con’s of Point and Shoot technique
12:05 Which is the best aiming technique?
13:02 ‘Point n Shoot’ on Cobia
13:28 The ‘Poke n Shoot’
14:03 How to use the‘Poke n Shoot’
14:48 Example of Aiming with the ‘Poke n Shoot’
16:03 Example 2 of Aiming with the ‘Poke n Shoot’
18:29 Recap on Spearfishing aiming tips and techniques

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Great video Chris thank you. I started doing some target practice in the pool for the 1st time this year. Wow what an eye opener. All 4 of my gun shot terrible In the default Configuration from the factory. A little tweaking and the shoot much better. I will definitely try your method the Next time I get in the pool. You're videos have definitely improved and enriched my life thank you.


Thanks! That half second of indecision in aiming down the barrel is a killer. I will try to incorporate this. Thanks for sharing!


New spearfisher here gearing up to get in the water. This tutorial is really excellent, so much better than the others I've found. Subscribed! :)


Very nice explanation. Saw this video time ago and enjoyed it now a second time. Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge.


Point and shoot for 60 years. Open water, at the last minute extend arm, swim at fish, point at the spot and shoot. All Euro guns are accurate. Love the Riffe family but their #2 standard shot high, Np KA Oi shot low. If I miss with RA, it's me not the gun. I have made some amazing shots on deep snapper with my Tuna gun.


Chris your videos are chocked full of so much useful information. Wanted you to know how much we appreciate your channel, keep up the good work mate!


Just excellent training tips, very helpful. projecting or "poking" thru the target is very similar to wing shooting with a shotgun and shooting thru the birds eye. It took me a while to realize the importance of keeping both my wrist and elbow locked when shooting my speargun.


Awesome advice from a well seasoned spearo. I’ll try and apply these tips going forward 👍


Absolutely best advice I’ve heard.. thank you!


Great video Chris🔥 Thank you for sharing


Great technique and great reviews!!!
I was wondering why I missed some easy shots and now I know I didn’t hold the recoil while my arm was bended.
Definitely try the poke n shoot technique!! Thanks for sharing.


Poke and shoot! It is amazing! 1000% improvement and it is easy!


Thanks man for the information it's really helpful 😊


Great video backed by experience. Thanks heaps, I'll go do some practice


Good video Chris. Good tips of accuracy


Amazing topic..goodluck..
We from indonesiaa, , spear fishing traditional in the river..mahser fish..


Thank you very much for your video!!!


Old dog learning a new trick! Thanks, Chris. Just recovering from a qadruple bypass, but have been back to make sure that i still can! Weather is terrible, so can't wait to practice your tip next week...


Ottimo video, semplice ma molto significativo. Un fondamentale necessario per poter sfruttare con precisione le nostre armi.
Saluti dall’Italia


Cool topic Chris. Interesting change when I converted my RA 80 std to a roller. Since I point and shoot I used the same method after the conversion. Problem was I couldn't hit anything, even almost point blank! So I decided to pick out a target and really concentrate on where the shaft was going and it went high. Makes sense as a standard band gun will typically shoot low due to the muzzle flip. Now I cannot miss, but fear ever going back to a standard gun! Will definitely try the "Poke and Shoot" method as this makes so much sense!
