Rank 30/35 Bull Guide: How To Push RANK 30/35 In Solo Showdown | TIPS and TRICKS | Brawl stars

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Rank 30 Bull brawl stars or 35 in SOLO SHOWDOWN GAMEPLAY + PRO TIPS AND TRICKS (GUIDE) Level 11 World record soon?

how to push or get rank 35 or 30 brawler in solo showdown brawl stars bull (easiest way)

In this video I will be showing you how to get/push edgar to rank 35 or rank 30 bull in solo showdown brawl stars! In this guide I gave some advanced pro tips and tricks on how to push trophies and get an easy or even free rank 25 bull, 1000 trophy bull or 1250 trophy bull or 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800 or 2000 bull trophy brawler, or even a world record in brawl stars solo showdown! Wanna push a rank 35 or rank 30 in solo showdown? This is the perfect guide for you because i have some pro tips and tricks in this brawl stars guide! Should i make a brawl stars rank 35 duo showdown guide? Let me know! Also i gave some pro tips and tricks to push rank 35 or rank 30 for solo showdown! let me know which rank 35 guide or solo/duo showdown guide you wanna see next! Also should i make a rank 35 primo or spike or colt in solo showdown guide? Hope this helped you guys push to rank 30 in solo showdown. Should i make a Last game to rank 30 or 35, will i make it video? Also the top 5 easiest rank 30 or 35s in solo showdown currently are: Shelly, El Primo, Surge, buzz and colt. This video will help you to push: This guide will help you push every brawler to rank 30 or rank 35 in solo and duo showdown: Shelly, Nita, Colt, Bull, jessie, Brock, Dynamike, Bo, tick, 8-bit, Emz, Stu, el primo, barley, poco, rosa, rico, darryl, Penny, carl, jacky, piper, Pam, Frank, Bibi, Bea, Nani, edgar, Griff, Grom, Mortis, Tara, Max, Mr.P, Sprout, Byron, Squeak, Spike, Crow, Leon, Sandy, Amber, Meg, Gale, Surge, Colette, Lou, Colonel ruffs, Belle, Buzz, Ash, Lola, Fang and Eve. Some youtubers im inspired by are: Superlab, Z replays - brawl stars, Hyra brawl stars, STG brawl stars, BenTimm1, Tom - Brawl stars, GuilleVGX, eend brawl stars, Cryingman, pongdalong, moneycapital, KairosTime HYDRA KHAYATT BRAWL STARS, Eqwaak, Rey - Brawl Stars, CarnageGame, Mago21 and Venik. This guide will also help you push other ranks such as rank 28, 31, 32, 33 and 34!

►Rank 30 bull in solo showdown gameplay!

►How to push rank 30/35 shelly in solo showdown brawl stars!

►How to push rank 30/35 Mortis in solo showdown brawl stars!

►All brawlers to RANK 30 GAMEPLAY:

►More Rank 35 Gameplay:

►RANK 35 el primo montage:

❗️This content is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Supercell and Supercell is not responsible for it. For more information see Supercell's Fan Content Policy

#Rank35 #35rank #edgar #showdown35rank
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He can be good on dried up river too, I got him to r31 very easily this morning. You basically get super and hypercharge and just be very passive. When you get to the end game stay out of the middle and if you hug the outside of the walls that surround the middle you will be safe from when the fight in the middle begins. After the initial chaos of everyone firing their supers you can activate hypercharge and rush in. Don';t be afraid to take some poison damage if it means not being in middle where the chaos is. Anyways, nice guide, I'll probably push him to 1100 later today if I feel like it.


I only started pushing bull cuz of u and so far I almost reached rank 30 ❤


Hey bro i enjoy your content so much thanks forr these videos


Thanks man, it was a good tip to push bull


good job freeze i would want to play with you


There is another way of playing Bull. Shield Gear and the other Gadget which is very underrated


Teaming is not good. It break the game, but great vid


great video again mate slow down a bit


Bull was my first r25 hoping I can push r30 in the future


Love your videos bro. Can we get a gene guide on solo? Is it even possible?


Since he got hypercharge, he got meta. Would happen the same with Rosa next season?


Hi bro I Watch all your videos and I saw you push in bb with a friend of me but he kicked me I just wanted to speak to you and play with you idk if you will remember


asking for the music you put in this video plz❤❤❤


I pushed on forsaken.. Map from 800 to r30 in 3hrs


Just done last week from 800 to 950 lv.11 No hypercharge, then I bought it and I finished my last 50 trophies with hypercharge. Ez r30


Would you still be able to get consistent wins with shot delay
Because when I have this shot delay a shely beats me when we collide in the bushes


Bull is nice bc he can one shot lots of players if close


this is just what i need for 1000 bull


It's only take one shelly with a super and you're out


Bull is better than shelly because if you randomly meet shelly in bushes it just takes 1-2 shots to kill her( depends on cubes too) and she cant fill super
