Increase Your Forehand Power With This One Simple Move

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This is what I focus on when I want to crank up the speed.

It takes a lot of timing to move the body first and allow the racket to come through second. But this is the easiest way to get that effortless power. When you're faced with a difficult shot, still try to move your body, but keep the arm a little more connected with the body.

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Would be interested to hear your views on the Rublev forehand; his first move takes his shoulders to an 8 o’clock to 2 o’clock axis, at contact his shoulders have only rotated to 4-10 o’clock, he then whips his arm around, with very little further shoulder rotation. He hits the ball as hard as anyone, is this something we should attempt to imitate?


Love this insight. Different strokes for different folks receiving different balls. Wish more coaches understood that what’s right isn’t always what’s good! You’re the best, not the least because you’re open to discussion and modest. Please don’t change when you’ve got 250k followers!


For me the shoulder is key - to really whip you've got to have a relaxed shoulder, so I drop the shoulder and then the hip/torso rotation+stop drives the whip. If I engage the shoulder earlier (which I have to do if I can't get nicely behind the ball) then it takes more effort for less power. I think a tense shoulder blocks the transfer of power (e.g. try skimming a stone with a raised shoulder vs a dropped shoulder - you can't help but muscle it more with your arm if the shoulder is raised).


Tom, I don't know if this going to last but to me this very video changed my tennis life. At least so far.
It's been a game changer to think not to be too eager to hit the ball with the arm.
"Wait wait wait" and then rotate totally did the trick.
You cannot even imagine how greatful I am. So just wanted to thank you🙏🏼


Great bottom-up approach to the FH - adding more complex elements as you progress from fundamentals. Your instruction to delay the arm - a) seems readily doable as it’s not during acceleration phase b) emphasizes a control element of the stroke rather than a “load and explode” type instruction which often sends things out of control if they aren’t set up properly. Really cool image - looking forward to trying it. “quiet the arm” message would be helpful on the serve too to allow a fuller racquet drop before firing the hand. Another interesting cross golf-tennis insight - thanks.


Every time I have rhythm problems and find I’m over rotating (or my main problem of starting my rotation too late), I go back to this simple video tip. I get so caught up with trying to hit the modern forehand that I forget these basic classic forehand skills I had learned in the 1970’s! Keeping “connected” leads to easy power and it’s not just racquet head speed. It’s the momentum of the body-racquet unit transferred to the ball. You can see the impact of the classic forehand in its formation. One of the most valuable reminders ever for me! Thanks!!


Noone else adresses this essential aspect of a powerful forehand..? Just AMAZING!!


This is exactly what I have been doing with my golf swing but not with my tennis stroke - thanks a lot Tom!


You are definitely one of the best sources for tennis instructions.👍


Well done Tom. I second the pronated vs. supinated backswing forehand video request 👍


My coach says after the initial hip rotation, you have to resist the shoulder turn to make the arm go fast.


love how you make follow on videos. sign of a true coach… and listener 💪🏽

side note… are those Nike’s tennis shoes? they look like air max 90s… one of my favorite street shoes ever 🙌🏽


Thanks Tom. Great video. Would you consider making a video on forehand take back pronated vs supinated? In other words racket hitting face inverted towards the back fence like Djokovic or pointed towards the right fence like Del Potro or your take back.


Exactly what I'm working on! And so simple - just delay a bit. Otherwise keep things the same. Perfect.

I have the problem of becoming more arm-driven when I want to whack it. I'll work on just relaxing the arm a bit more and delaying it. Thank you!!


your explanation and technique is spot on! i wish you were in Texas.


The best FH tip for the level: a beginner till 4.0 ntrp (up to 4.5 in case the footwork is great and the head is slow) 🤩


Thanks for great lesson again. If I may add to remind students that it’s still an up then across the body action . Many forget the upward part when focus on rotation!


Best tennis is hitting while running forwards all the time. The hand movement is natural.


I really like your vids that made my tennis more enjoyable. Thank you for your effort on creating these materials. I have a question regarding WHEN TO INITIATE ARM/WRIST PRONATION during forward swing. My grip is between eastern and semi western. I noticed my racket face is open at contact when I initiate forward swing using "skip the stone' motion. The results? ball sometimes sails long. I guess I need a pronation to get the ball in, but I don't know when? Thanks for your help in advance from Korea.


Coach. Can you do a forehand analysis of Raducanu? Her forehand seems a liability.
