How to Unlock Agent Smith in MultiVersus by Completing Event! (Easy Tutorial)

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To unlock Agent Smith in MultiVersus, follow these steps:

Defeat Rift Bosses: Participate in the “Beat Rifts, Get Agent Smith Free!” event. For each Rift Boss you defeat, you’ll earn 1 point1. You’ll need to defeat 20 Rift Bosses to accumulate enough points.

Progress Through the Event Menu: Access the Event Menu and keep track of your progress. The reward for reaching 20 points is a Variant labeled Agent Smith2. This Variant likely unlocks the Agent Smith Character itself.
Unlock Agent Smith: Once you’ve earned 20 points, you’ll unlock Agent Smith. Congratulations! 🎉

Remember, this event runs from May 27 to July 30, but you can only start it through July 232. So get out there, defeat those bosses, and secure Agent Smith for your roster!


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Рекомендации по теме

Clearly you haven’t played through this yet to see it’s not possible to unlock him now


Thanks for wasting everyones time like no way never would of thought of playing rifts to do a beat rifts quest we want to know how you get points as beating bosses cant be it since theres only 3


I don't think anybody unlocked them yet hell I can't even go on the horror one I had to wait 3 days


Can you do consle keyboard and mouse and how to do it


How do you get the daily rewards from the rifts?