How to use a Skating Spinner to Spin Off Ice!
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In this video, Lloyd gets out his brand new Edea spinner and gives it a go. This not a sponsored post, we paid for this spinner!
Lloyd starts off by explaining what a spinner is, some safety tips to keep in mind before starting out practising with it, followed by how to actually use one.
We look at the first exercise you can do to start spinning on it, followed by breaking down your first upright spin on a spin.
Ultimately the spinner is a great way of reproducing the feeling of doing your figure skating spins off the ice. But it is a really really tough reproduction and is very unforgiving if you make a mistake!
You can use one to practice many things such as your sit spin off ice, your camel spin off ice, and even 3 turns, brackets, rockers and more!
You should use one with caution.
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